Sunday, September 25, 2016

California or Bust ~

Tomorrow DSO and I are heading west.  Road trip.  After almost 21 years of dating, we are going to find out if we like each other :)  18" apart for 5,000 miles.  Three plus weeks.  Wish us luck.  (I told him if it doesn't work out, he can drop me at an airport and I will fly home . . . lol.)

I think I finally (after how many years???) figured out how to blog on my iPad so hopefully I'll share some of our adventures.  Our first stop will be in St. Louis since I've never seen the Arch.  We have tentative plans from there but will kind of fly (well, drive) by the seats of our pants.  We both have sons in California, so our main goal is to visit with them.  My #1 son is in the LA area and his son is in northern California.

Have I started to pack?  Uh, no.  The hardest part is planning my handwork to take along.  I've got patterns on linen, wool, etc., and some applique planned.  How much can I do?  Don't know because I've never hooked in the car.  Sure hope it works out :)  I'm trying not to take too much but am afraid I will leave something behind I really need.  The nice part about driving ~ I can overpack and I'm sure I will.

Thanks so much for stopping by.  I really must get packing.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Sounds like a lot of fun! We visited St. Louis a couple years ago and enjoyed it a lot. The Arch is cool, but we LOVED the botanical gardens! Where in Northern California will you be? My whole family is in Sacramento, and I'll visiting there in a couple weeks. Please send info on how to blog from your iPad - would be very helpful to know how sometimes!

  2. Have a wonderful time on your adventure. Here is hoping you can send back lots of pictures. Mainly, enjoy your trip!

  3. I have hooked in the car numerous times (uh not while I was driving) and it worked out well. Am looking forward to your adventures.

    My first husband and I drove across the US to California from the far east coast of the US and made it safe. And that was in December when Texas had the worst snow storm in history. Took us 3 days to get across texas with frozen trees which looked as tho they were encased in glass. You've got good weather. Happy trails to you.

  4. Such a beautiful and happy travels!

  5. Am I missing something??? Love the picture of the vehicle. This is not your mode of transportation...LOL.
    but, I have been told on more than one occasion that I am gullible.
    Keep safe and I will be looking for those pictures. It is cooling down here in the Mojave Desert. You will probably be going thru Barstow and then Victorvile ... 2 hours +- after leaving Las Vegas, on Interstate 15??? It is wonderful here this time of year. Where does son live? Anyways, KEEP SAFE. Look forward to watching your travels.

    God Bless America and the Donald too,
    (Guess there will be NO Monday Night Football here tomorrow.)

    Peace and EnJoY the trip,

  6. Have a lovely trip!!! It should be beautiful when you get here. At least I hope it is. I think you will have so much fun. I do hope you get to blog about it as you go. I have never seen the Arch either.

  7. Godspeed, Safe Travels and yes ~ Blog for us!!!!

  8. Wow! What a way to enjoy your retirement! Enjoy your travels, a beautiful time of year to be driving west! I will be watching for pictures & updates! I hope you get lots of hooking & hand work done & that you still like each other up in your return!! Enjoy!!

  9. Oh, you are going to love your road trip!! I had an amazing time going from California to Iowa. There are so many beautiful places in between! Los Angeles is a bit gritty, but still has its own beauty. My son lived in the Bay Area for three years. My very favorite place to visit. If you make it to San Francisco, take the time to walk across the Golden Gate. It is only about 3 miles round trip, but it is the walk of a life time! I am looking forward to your adventure!! Oh, and California is a bit short on hooking supplies, so take plenty. LOL

  10. Have a great time! I went to the Arch a couple of years ago and it was magnificent! I loved it and also the museum!
    Be blessed and safe travels

  11. SO excited for you!!!! Have a wonderful time and share pics;-)

  12. Happy trails to you guys! Sounds like a super fun adventure!

  13. Have fun it I am sure you will be able to hook in the car.

  14. Happy trails, Lauren! Hope you have a great time and safe travels. Lori

  15. Whoo-hoo!
    Off on a great adventure. That sounds so exciting. I am so happy for you and your DSO.
    Have a wonderful trip!

  16. Enjoy, sounds wonderful. Let us know if your able to hook in the car?

  17. This sounds so much fun. That almost sounds like a honeymoon but you're taking your handiwork with you... I guess you didn't retired from that though, did you!!! Have tons of fun and a safe trip.


  18. How fun, Lauren!! Your retirement trip...YAY!! Drive safe and have fun!!!

  19. Godspeed. I am with you, I would be more panicked on packing my hand work before I would be panicked about my clothing! Search out those stitchery shops along the way and Enjoy....

  20. I hope you have a safe and wonderful time. Enjoy each day. See isn't retirement just the best.


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