Thursday, August 4, 2016

This 'n That ~

The strawberries are finally finished ~ well, except for adding a rusty pin and vintage buttons to some.  Most are made with antique paisley with wool tops, but I've also used vintage ticking on a couple and velveteen on a few others.  These will be traveling to the Holly Hills, MI, show along with the hooked goodes. 

They range in size from about 4 1/2 " to 2 3/4" and are firmly stuffed with crushed walnut shells (aka reptile bedding).  The smallest berries have metal caps, the largest mother-of-pearl thread rings.

I received this in the mail yesterday.  What a beautiful surprise.  It came from IHeartDogs with no packing slip or paperwork of any kind.  Sure wish I could thank the thoughtful person who sent it to me :)

Nature is amazing.  This log is in the channel in front of DSO's condo.  I find it incredible that weed seeds made their way in to the log and sprouted.  At least they are not lacking water like the rest of northern Ohio. 

Tomorrow's Friday ~ and payday.  Life is good.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I love your little strawberries. They remind me of the pin cushion my grandmother had. I think everyone back then had the same one - a tomato with a small strawberry hanging off it

  2. How nice that someone sent you that nice gift. I do love your strawberries!! Thank you so much for mine. :)
    They are beautiful. Yes, I am so glad its Friday!
    That log is interesting. Have a great Friday, I hope it goes by fast.

  3. The strawberries are wonderful, I need to make more things for my bowls.


  4. Your strawberries turned out really cute.

    Pay day is the icing on the cake. Enjoy your weekend.

  5. Love those paisley strawberries!

  6. Hi stranger, I love your antique paisley strawberries.
    I had no idea that you could use crushed walnut shells to stuff them.
    What a thoughtful gift from a kindred heart.
    Have a great weekend.
    Hugs, Julia

    Mother Nature is full of surprises. I'm having a good but busy summer.

  7. What an incredible and wonderful collection of strawberries you have created. Am sure you will come home empty handed of those but with money in your paw.

  8. Gorgeous strawberries - and even better stuffed with crushed walnut shells !

  9. Morning Lauren, I love the strawberries, they are charming. That's so sweet the shirt, love that.... Mother Nature is amazing, how great that log is.Happy Saturday, Francine.

  10. I'm always amazed where weeds can grow. The strawberries are lovely! I've just hooked my first rug, well, it's only 10"x10" but still, I'm quite proud of myself. :) Now to find a frame.

  11. I love your strawberries! you have been one busy person. we are dry to but not as dry as the southern part of the state.

  12. Great little berries. I've never seen them made with paisley! And I love the MOP rings on top!!


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