Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Pennies from Heaven ~

Last summer on my trip to California, I stitched pennies.  Lots and lots of pennies.  So easy to do on the airplane and in the car.  75+ pennies.  When I got home they got put away. 

Until today.  I stitched up this sweet little mat using only 9 pennies.   

With my sampler,
in memory of Ellie,
stitched by the Dirty Martini Queen

We are heading to Chicago for the weekend so grandson Jake can visit with his cousins.  A six hour drive each way so hopefully I will get a few more mats done for the primitive show in Holly, MI, in September.  (I'll wave to you, Patti, as I pass the Wrigley Building.)

I was given a couple hints for solar dyeing. 
  • If the sun is not as hot as you'd like, put the jars in the car.  You know how hot a car gets and it's the heat, not the sun, that is needed. 
  • Also, to get the dye distributed more evenly, get a pair on tongs and stir the wool a few times during the day. 
Thanks Linda and Sheila for the tips.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I do enjoy making pennies, and I save small scraps of wool that i can cut into circles later. I like my wool uneven, so I move it around at the beginning and then let it set, scrunched up.


  2. I like your pennies and have a safe trip!

  3. Keep safe and EnJoY. LUV the mat.

    Peace & God Bless America,


  4. Love the penny mat!!! Love ur colors, too,,,must try one , with all the wool I have! But I am not a great sewer,,,, safe travels,,,,, thanks for tips on dyeing,,,,,

  5. Love the pennies! Have a safe trip and enjoy.

  6. Working on pennies is much more portable than rug hooking for sure. Happy trails to you and have fun.

  7. Love your pennies and the soft muted colors. Have a safe trip!

  8. I will watch for you and will wave back! ;)
    Love your pennies! Enjoy your trip!! If you happen to go to Lincoln Park Zoo and see a young man counting birds in trees, wave to him too ;) My oldest son has a research fellowship there.
    Blessings, Patti

  9. Hi Lauren,
    Sounds like the perfect time for you to make lot of pennies!! Love the colors and the sweet little rug you made!! Are you actually allowed to use needle and scissors on the plane?
    Hope you have a safe and enjoyable trip to the "windy city!"
    Heart Hugs~

  10. Beautiful little mat1 Love the soft vintage colors of the pennies...

  11. Wow you did get a lot of pennies made last year. Have a great time this weekend. Thanks for the tips on solar dyeing. I can't wait to try it.
    Have a great weekend.

  12. Love the pennies Lauren,sweet mat for Ellie tribute.Hugs Francine.

  13. Very adorable and look forward to seeing what else you do with all of those pennies


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