Sunday, July 17, 2016

Welcome to My Garden ~

Just a little walk around the yard this fine Sunday afternoon.

I just love my carved bird bath.  A Christmas present from my Sweetie :)  I was moving plants around and it looks so bare ~ and I really need mulch!!!

Broken and rusted windmill.  Perfect . . . lol.

My poor little pond.  For the last 3-4 days, about 80% of the water has drained out several times a day (hence the hose).  This afternoon it is not leaking.  It just doesn't make sense and it has done the same thing in years past.

Passion flower ~ so unusual and beautiful but so invasive.

I love my funky chicken.  He (oh, I guess that makes it a rooster) just makes me smile :)

The hostas are doing well this year.

The side porch. 

The hydrangea are also doing well this year ~ finally the winter didn't kill all the old growth.

Such color variation all on the same plant.

The way my house sits on a corner lot, I have no backyard.  That's my garage to the right and my neighbors' to the left looking to my totally out of control (and invasive) wisteria. 

A picture from the 4th of two of my favorite bad boys:)

Has our world gone totally mad?  There is so much evil manifesting itself it is frightening.  I fear for my sons' and grandson's generations.  What can be done to stop it?

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I love your birdbath! Lovely garden. Jake is getting so big. What do we do about this horror? I have decided to stay close to home.

  2. Your gardens are so beautiful. My favorite are those lush hostas !! That back porch looks like such a cozy place to sit a spell.

  3. Lauren your gardens are beautiful!! I love the hydrangeas, I have two of them and I moved them again this year. They have yet to bloom:( I am trying to find the right amount of sun!

  4. Good morning Lauren, I know what you mean about worrying for your children generation. I worry too and I worry about my daughter who travels all over the world and she's been to all those places where there's been attacks and coup attempts, etc... There's nothing I can do but pray for safety for everyone.

    Your gardens look very lush and your decorations adds so much interest. I love those hydrangeas, so pretty... I have porch envy... I need to start to decorate my yard but with all the weeding, I never seem to get to it. I love your rooster and I've been tempting on getting one at Canadian Tire store but asked myself it it was a need or a want so I bought a bistro set instead for this year. I'm not a big spender, lol. Wishing you a sweet summer.

  5. That young bad boy sure is growing fast.JB

  6. Your yard look great matter how big or how small...they are always a lot of work! Love your yard decor!!

  7. Enjoyed your of my favorites...Lucky you...have had NO luck growing them here(Mojave Desert), wonder why?
    Mee Too...worry for my children and grand babies. Pray that "God Bless America"...I ask this several times a day.

    Enjoy the day and Peace for ALL,

  8. Hi Lauren, loving your yard, the broken windmill is a gem and your birdbath is so great!!!! I would love to sit on your porch with you, so cozy and love the Hydrangia, mine not yet in bloom. Blessings Francine.

  9. What a beautiful yard you have Lauren! Lots of wonderful plants and flowers to see! I know this would never actually fly with the public, but it seems to me that tons of media attention rewards those who are doing such horrific things. Perhaps if they didn't get so much (or any) attention it might make a difference? Who knows.... sigh

  10. Your yard is just beautiful. I like that rooster too. I like everything. I wonder what is up with your pond?
    I had something like that happen with one of the water containers I use in the yard for animals, I ended up thinking the hose I left in it was causing a siphon. I took the hose out and it stopped being empty. Weird things happen don't they? Have a lovely week.

  11. Beautiful yard which takes work; love your gift from SO. As I live on 8 acres it is a lot to handle with trees trying to encroach. Am envious of your smaller and beautiful groomed piece of land.

  12. Your garden is wonderful and I love all the fun things you have added to it. Fun to see other gardens, now I need to get out and hunt for some fun things to put in mine.


  13. Beautiful Lauren, wish I could grow the passion flower but does not do well. Very cool carved birdbath.
    Lots of people in this world with no morals and hedonistic. It is getting scarey and all the news coverage doesn't help.Why do we have to keep hearing the SAME thing over and over.

  14. Beautiful garden Lauren! I agree, our world is a very scary place. Too many people are totally consumed with hate. It is very depressing.

  15. what a gorgeous the hydrangea colors...oh your side porch looks so comfy...

  16. Oh, Lauren, your garden is so charming. I especially love the carved bird bath. And those are handsome fellows topping it off!

  17. I spy a bottle tree which is on my Must Own list and been driving Mark nuts reminding him constantly since we have to pass an artist's welding shop daily. The garden looks amazing!


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)