Thursday, June 9, 2016

Just a Quickie ~

I've gotten the dog hooked for my Magdalena dog and crows rug.  He is a big boy, measuring about 20" long by 12" high.  (Surprised, aren't you, Saundra?)  The colors are much more subtle in person but this gives you an idea as to how many different wools I've used.  I did a bit of reverse hooking on his tail and one of his legs, though they still seem a bit chunky.  I guess he will have to be a chunky big boy.

I've long admired this pattern and finally purchased it.  Yes, I need another pattern like I need another hole in my head.  There are SO MANY patterns on my bucket list and this wasn't even one of them.  It's by Maggie's Farm 1846 and you can find her here on Etsy.

Not much else going on.  Seems I'm busy all the time but never get even close to being caught up . . . sigh.  I did finish edging the flower beds this evening which is a major accomplishment for me.  Now if I can just keep them up.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Your rug is splendid. Saundra will be proud !
    BTW - the word "finish" and "garden" are never in the same sentence !!

  2. I love your dog! I too have so many patterns I want to hook but I need to be hooking every night like you and Saundra!
    I am a lazy hooker. I work all day do my chores for the day and then I have no energy to pull out that hook.
    shame on me.

  3. Morning Lauren, I really love the big dog, great pattern. Yes, I also find weeding and cleaning the edging of the gardens a lot of work now adays.... Hugs Francine.

  4. Great job and I know how the camera and flash mess up the overall look of a hooked rug. Love the red and Magdalena definitely used that in her dogs. Ya done good!

  5. I have a dog pattern somewhere in the studio I purchased about 18 years ago haha

    Your dog is looking good

  6. Gardening/weeding is never done. Your doing a great job on your dog. I have that Maggie Farm pattern, it was gifted to me a year ago, other took it place first. Some day!

  7. Love the rug, Lauren! I'm going to have to check out Maggie Farm's etsy...I really need another rug pattern!

  8. Hi Lauren,
    Just love the dog and those touches of red really look wonderful!! Great start to your rug!! I also love your new pattern and keep seeing ones I want to hook someday......Sigh!
    Hope you enjoy your weekend!!
    Warm Hugs~

  9. great start on your rug Lauren...I have that pattern from Merrie if I can only find it...

  10. Your rug is looking good so far! Love Merrie's designs. Lori

  11. I like your dog, he looks great. Getting caught up? I don't know if that really ever does happen.
    I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  12. The rug looks great, love doing dogs.


  13. The Magdalena dog is looking good. And I like your new pattern. Baskets are one of my faves.

  14. Hi Lauren! Your rug is looking great!

  15. Lauren, your dog is quite handsome. You chose such wonderful patterns. As for enough time to finish gardening, LOL, you are so silly!! You know that the weeds are just waiting for you to go back in the house so they can grow those extra five inches. LOL

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