Thursday, June 30, 2016

Another Wormy Mat ~

July!  Wow.  I just don't believe it.  So nice to have a three day weekend but it will be a busy one so I won't get half of what I want done . . . the story of my life.

I finished another little scrappy mat.  Before you get impressed, this one is only about 6" x 9" ~ AND ~ once again hooked ONLY with worms.  Personally I think it looks better in person :)  Digital photos always seem to brighten the colors.

I want to hook one more little mat and one more pumpkin using hand torn strips and then I need to get busy finishing them ~ and we all know how much I'll whine about that.  I'm trying not to wait until the last minute because, unfortunately, the show in September will be here more quickly than I'd like ~ and I'm a great procrastinator. 

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. It looks wonderful and small mats are fun and fun to use our scraps with.


  2. Hope you have a fun 4th. of July Lauren.
    We finally got 1/2 inch of rain last night!

  3. Happy 4th to you Lauren !
    This hooked mat is my favorite.

  4. Love your little mat!! It makes me want to draw some out and hook them. I have many rugs that need finishing, which I don't mind doing, but all I want to do is hook! LOL
    Have a Great 4th!!

  5. Great little the colors!

  6. Sweet little mat. I've so many small pieces of leftover linen serged so could make small little items as well. And oh so many worms.

  7. Morning Lauren, love the mat, enjoy the 4th!!!Blessings Francine

  8. I love seeing your work. Your mats are just adorable and happy. Have a lovely weekend.

  9. Love it. You can't go wrong with crows or pumpkins in my estimation.

    Happy 4th Lauren

  10. Hi Lauren,
    Another sweet birdie mat!!! Hope you have a lovely 4th!!!
    It FINALLY dropped down into the low 90's here and we even had some rain!!!
    Heart Hugs~

  11. Just loving your wormy little mats. Welcome to the club.....from the queen of procrastination!!! I like to tell people that I work best under pressure, but I honestly think it is a touch of laziness.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)