Saturday, May 28, 2016

Next on the Frame ~

HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY weekend, everyone.  Please take a moment to remember why we are celebrating this day.

I'm working on getting a new project ready to hook.  I have so many rugs on my hooking bucket list, but nothing is screaming my name.  I've decided to try to hook a Magdalena Briner Eby rug.  I find her style difficult to duplicate, but I am going to try ~ unless I wimp out and move on to something else . . . lol.

I know I've shown in the past how I transfer a pattern to linen, but maybe there is someone out there who has not seen this method.

I decided to hook this rug . . .

Lousy color ~ I know :)

. . . found in this book.  (FYI . . . many people offer Magdalena patterns, but there is no copyright due to the age of the rugs.)

Here is the dog enlarged to the size I desired.  I lay fiberglass window screen (found at the "big box" home improvement center) over the pattern.  When buying screen, be sure to buy gray and not black :)  Trace over with a black Sharpie.

Lay the pieces on your backing.  Normally I don't pin, but did this time trying to get the placement the way I wanted it.  Now trace over the pieces with your Sharpie.

This is what you end up with.  I normally will trace over again for a more distinct line.

Next I will draw my outer border and then draw in the leaf between the crows and add the corner fans and go from there.  The screen can be used over and over ~ a great way to share a pattern that has no copyright with a friend.

Last evening after work, DSO and I decided to head an hour and a half west to a huge antique mall.  I read reviews ~ some favorable and some not so favorable.  Well, I should have listened to the not so favorable.  I maybe got through 1/4 of the booths before I couldn't take any more.  For me to leave an antique mall without at least a cursory glance of every booth is unheard of.  It was like a giant indoor flea market with antique shop prices.  The only thing that made the trip worthwhile was that DSO found a treasure trove of old silver plate spoons at a very good price.  I never would have made it to that isle.  Thanks, Sweetie.

Thank you so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I enjoyed your tutorial on how to transfer patterns for rug hooking. I had no clue! Love the design you are planning on hooking next. I like your finish (from the last post) too! lol! I love that you kept the donkey balls. :D Bummer about that antique mall, but good on your son for finding those spoons!

  2. Love the project you are undertaking....of course, I's a dog. Will be interesting to see the approach you take with your hooking. I think these primitives are hard to replicate. Have a great weekend!!!

  3. Oh I learned two things I didn't know you could just take a Magdalena design very good to know and the screen thing is great. Why don't I remember that? I just bough Cathy's new pattern

  4. That is one of the methods I use for primitive rugs, I also use a projector. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.


  5. Doing Magdalena style isn't a problem for me since I've done so many. It is a wonderful way for you to use up those numerous strips in the baggies. Am looking forward to your progress and for you to get that hook in your hand again.

  6. Must have been the big mall in Medina...if it is..I'm the same way....ugh! Your rug will look great, Lauren...that's a cute design! Have a nice holiday weekend...and see you on Saturday!

  7. Hi Lauren,
    Love your photos of the flags and the reminder of how special this holiday is!
    Thank you for sharing your tutorial on tracing and transferring.....great info! I really love Magdalena rugs and that book is on my list, plus that rug!!! Looking forward to seeing your progress!! I went to an antique mall yesterday and felt exactly the same way! They need to change the name! Happy you at least scored something!
    Happy Memorial Day, my friend!
    Warm Hugs~

  8. I use red dot tracer for adding my rug design to the linen, but I only have a limited amount in my stash and not sure any local stores carry it anymore, so good to know about the window screening option. How is it pricewise?

  9. I've never hooked a Magdelena. I use red dot to transfer but it's a pain in the butt

  10. Glad to see you working on a project again !
    Great tutorial.
    Sometimes antique malls can really yield treasures, other times not. I have to be in the right frame of mind. I have been enjoying auctions lately.
    Enjoy your holiday weekend, Lauren !

  11. I love your tutorials. I have learned so much from the things you share on your blog. I am glad your DSO found you some treasures. I read Kim's comment. She makes me laugh every time. It will be nice to see a Magdelena rug through your eyes. Your rugs always make me happy. Have wonderful day.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)