Thursday, May 5, 2016

Frozen Charlotte ~

Greetings, dear friends.  Have you ever heard of Frozen Charlotte?  I had not until I read that Bobbie bought a Frozen Charlotte necklace at the Holly Hills primitive show in March.  You can see hers here.

Here is a synopsis found on Wikipedia. 
Frozen Charlotte is a name used to describe a specific form of china doll made from c. 1850 to c. 1920. The name comes from the American Folk Ballad Fair Charlotte, which tells of a young girl called Charlotte who refused to wrap up warmly to go on a sleigh ride because she did not want to cover up her pretty dress.  She froze to death during the journey.  

Just a bit macabre, don'tcha think? 

A Google search finds a plethora of information on Charlotte and her male counterpart, Frozen Charlie.

Bobbie brought one Frozen Charlotte necklace to From Our Hands, and I knew it had to come home with me.  Made with an antique Charlotte and vintage heart, I just love her.

Friend Melissa comes up with the best ideas.  This little pendant is made with antique paisley and vintage buttons.  Isn't it sweet? 

I am in a creative slump :(   I could hook on Daisy . . . or start a new project . . . or get busy on my Rebekah L. Smith mystery stitch along (that I cannot share) since I am now three months behind, but I just am not motivated to do anything.  I'm still not out doing yard work since the weather is not cooperating.   {{Sigh}}  I hope this passes quickly.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Frozen Charlotte -- who knew? How macabre! Hope your slump goes away soon. I hate when that happens.

  2. That is a creepy story. My slump has gone on so long I think it needs a new name

  3. I love frozen Charlotte. That is so funny. I think it is just beautiful.
    I hope you get over your slump soon.
    I hope your weather gets better soon.
    I hope you have a lovely Friday tomorrow.

  4. Live both necklaces. I have a couple of frozen Charlotte dolls passed down through DH's family. Didn't know they were called that.

  5. I did hear of frozen charlotte but not the story. we have had a lot of rain and gray days I walked after work yesterday hoping that would kick start my mojo but no luck.
    Have a great mother's day

  6. Never heard about frozen Charlotte, very interesting. Must be something in the air because I can not get motivated to do any thing but nap.

  7. Frozen Charlotte sounded like a drink or dessert, did not know the story. Will you be my slump buddy?

  8. Wow, I never heard about Frozen Charlotte, loved hearing about it.... Ya, I'm feeling rather lazy, have to get out in the gardens...blessings Francine.

  9. Hi Lauren,
    Just love your new Frozen Charlotte necklace! Yes, I love those dear little dolls but such a sad story behind them! I think if poor Charlotte only knew how much she was loved, she would not be frozen anymore!!
    Hope your slump goes away soon! Give Velveteen Rabbit a big hug from me!
    Hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day!
    Warm Hugs~

  10. Great necklaces and intriguing folklore to boot !
    The slump will pass.

  11. We sometimes push ourselves too much.
    A slump is just lifes way of saying slow down and that is the only way we can rejuvinate and be creative.So don't beat yourself up and just relax and realize this is suppose to fun or you will burn yourself out! Hugs


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