Friday, May 20, 2016

Around the Yard ~

Just a few pictures from around the yard.  I just love my bleeding hearts.

Oh, the camera does not do this poppy justice :(

My wisteria is just gorgeous this year.  I've never had so many blooms and it smells heavenly.  I must say it is the invasive variety and I am finding shoots every which way, but right now it's worth it.

Next post I will finally show you an update of Daisy, the rug I've been hooking since the beginning of February.  It's good to be pulling a few loops again.

Pug hugs :) 
(seems strange saying that)


  1. Hi Lauren,
    Sooooooooo beautiful!!! Wish you had a scratch and sniff button! Seeing all that lovliness makes me miss those pretty blooms as my yard is basically stone!! The good thing about that is not much upkeep and no mowing! Hot here at 99 degrees!
    Enjoy your weekend!
    Warm Hugs~

  2. happy to know you're pulling loops again! I also have the invasive-kind of wisteria, but we don't mind it a bit…it can take over the farm for all I care! is your poppy a wild poppy? we have wild poppies here, small & delicate but not with so many petals…

  3. Your flowers are beautiful. I need to get me some of that wisteria..

  4. So beautiful...your little eden!

  5. Your gardens are beautiful.


  6. The wisteria arbor is beautiful. Never had the pleasure of smelling it!

  7. Your garden looks amazing,,,,, poppies already,,,, ours are just up! Slow spring here,,,, cool,,,, tho my bleedjng hearts just flowerjng now,,, thanks for the tour,, enjoy ur blogs,,

  8. I think we were in our gardens at the same time. Your wisteria is so lovely !

  9. Love your poppies I have never had much luck with wisteria but shoots do grow every where and I am always pulling them out.

  10. Your spring blooms are beautiful ....and good for your is pulling up some loops. Happy weekend.

  11. I also love wisteria but mine isn't doing well this year OR last year. Glad you and Kelley are hooking again.

  12. Your garden is lovely. It is so interesting to see how the season compare. Our wisteria bloomed months ago and it is nice to see it blooming at your house. I bet it just makes you happy to go out and smell it. Have a nice weekend. I am so glad you are hooking again. I can't wait to see your progress on Daisy.

  13. Wow! Beautiful blooms in your yard!

  14. Ohhhhhh Lauren,
    your yard is to die for...Wisteria is one of my favorites and we actually were able to grow it here(Mojave Desert)10 years ago in another house we lived in. Love Hydrangeas too but NO success here.
    Mee too, am anxiously waiting for 'Daisy'.
    BTW, thanks for visiting and so pleased you approve of my choice.

    Enjoy the rest of the day, next week too...Peace to all, Barb

  15. Your flowers are gorgeous! I've seen poppies in bloom here in Iowa. They are one of my son's favorite flowers. Wisteria grows in California, but I've never tried it...

  16. Your flowers are gorgeous! I've seen poppies in bloom here in Iowa. They are one of my son's favorite flowers. Wisteria grows in California, but I've never tried it...

  17. Evening Lauren, such beauty in the yard, love that Wisteria, wow!!!!!! Blessings Francine.


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