Sunday, April 3, 2016

Wool Yankers Hook In ~

Yesterday I had the privilege of vending at Connie Bradley's Wool Yankers hook in in Wellington, Ohio.  A great time was had by all.  As usual I only snapped a few pictures.

The well lit room is perfect for hooking.

My booth looking toward Melissa's.  That's Bobbie doing more chatting than hooking, though she was off to a good start on an antique reproduction pattern from the Old Tattered Flag :)

Connie is a most generous and giving person, and all proceeds from the hook in are being donated to The Daughter Project.  The Daughter Project is a 501c3 non-profit operating Ohio's first licensed group home for girls who have been rescued from sex traffickers.   How sad.  I had no idea it was such a problem in Ohio.

What is Human Trafficking
  • Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery where people profit from the control and exploitation of others.
  • Victims are forced, defrauded, or coerced into trafficking. Even if victims initially offer consent, that consent is rendered meaningless by the actions of the traffickers to exploit them for labor, services, or commercial sex.
  • The most common age in Ohio for children to become victims of trafficking is 13 years old, and the number of Ohio children who become victims of human trafficking each year could fill a large high school.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

They say if you don't like the weather in Ohio, stick around for a day and it will change.  Yesterday it snowed but thankfully most of it did not stick.  My poor daffs and hyacinth were not too happy this morning.  Thankfully today's sunshine perked them up.

I am finally working on my sheep challenge rug ~ a pattern that Kelley Belfast so generously offered to us on Facebook. 
I purchased this wool several years ago thinking it would hook a perfect sheep, and it did.  I looked through my Betsy and Rebecca samples trying to find whose wool it is, but was unsuccessful.  It is sort of like a boucle.  It's hard to tell from the picture, but the uncut wool used for the sheep is on the left.

My progress so far.  

Kelley's pattern had daffodils covering the hills, but that is the one thing we could change.  I am taking the easy way out and just hooking a couple big tulips.  The tulip is hooked with antique paisley ~ a first for me.  I just could not get a crisp picture.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Sounds like fun and to bad that cause is any where in the wirld.

  2. The hook in looks like it was a lot of fun. Our weather really couldn't make up it's mind today, it was snowing, then sunny and then a blizzard, then sunny, lol.


  3. It looks like a fun way to spend a weekend. I like your sheep pattern.
    Your flowers are lovely too. I hope you have a great week Lauren.

  4. Sounds that you had a great time. I love the sheep you have made...

  5. What a darling sheep. Quite a few hookers gathered, looks like a nice time. Hope you were able to enjoy yourself. Still think of you every day.

  6. Hi,,love ur sheep,,,, and the wool is great,,, hookins are fun!! Snow here , too ,, that stayed !! St least 6 inches! Spring,,, oh well ,,, good hooking weather,,, enjoy ur blogs,,,

  7. It's so sad about those poor young girls and to think that they are taken advantage of and exploited at such a young age. The number is staggering for Ohio alone but it's going on everywhere. It leaves a disturbing image of a waster generation. It's very sad and it's good that you bring awareness to this situation.

    I love your sheep and that wool is fantastic. It looks like a fun day with the ladies.

  8. Your sheep looks great. No snow here but bitter cold this morning.

  9. Quite a number of hookers were there and all look like they were having a great time. You're doing well on your rug and love the antique paisley in those flowers. Sorry but can't help with the wool either.

  10. Human Trafficing is an epidemic through out the world. I live in Georgia and there is over 40,000 victims that come through the International Airport in Atlanta each year. With this tremendous crime going on our First Lady picks school lunches as her champion cause. There is a ministry in Kansas City, Missouri that brings awareness and assists in rescues world wide. Exodus Cry. Amazon has a program called Amazon Smile that you can purchase through and they will donate to a charity of your choice a small percentage of all your purchases. Exodus Cry is the charity we have chosen. Your sheep is looks good. I have not been able to get my challenge rug done. My front porch is full of plants to get in the ground. So life has gotten in the way of hooking lately.

  11. What a great fun day...Love your 'sheep challenge rug'. Colors are perfect.
    As always, Peace for all,

  12. Love that you used paisley for the tulips. Wish I could find an old paisley shawl at the thrift store some day - they're too pricey for me any other way.... Glad your hook-in was so fun - they always are I guess. So sad that such an important organization is even needed, huh?

  13. Oh what fun!!!!!! What a fun time. Love the sheep rug, so sweet.Hugs Francine.

  14. THe hook in was so much fun, although I didn't get much done! Love the hand creme...I'm hoping to go to the show with you and Melissa on the 30th!!

  15. Oh, what a great day! I'll admit, when I'm with other stitchers, I always talk more than I should. I like that sheep! The wool is perfect. I love the way that you changed the direction of the wool, gives it a lot of definition. Have a great day!

  16. Your Kelly sheep is precious! Glad you had a good time at the hook in. hope the snow is all gone for the season and Spring has finally sprung! Take care Mel

  17. Hi Lauren,
    The Hook In looks like it was wonderful with all that great lighting!! Busy ladies having fun with wool.........Perfect!!!!
    So sad to know we live in a world filled with such ugliness, but then to know there are people who are so generous and caring still offers hope!!!
    Your rug is darling and I LOVE the paisley!!!
    Hope you have a great week!
    Warm Hugs~

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