Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Good Bye :( Hello :) Good Bye :(

So many changes going on here in blogland.  Many have quit their blogs or post rarely.  I understand lives get busy and things change.  

Millie's Mats is no more :(  BUT . . . the good news . . . no, the GREAT NEWS, is that you can find her new blog here.  I'm sure we will be still entertained with her irreverent sense of humor and the joys of raising a puppy.  Please stop by, become a follower and let her know we still love her.

Blogland is losing a dear friend.  Julia, the hardest working woman on the planet, will no longer be blogging.  Oh, how I will miss Of Petals and Wool.  I hope she has time to enjoy life to the fullest doing what she loves most.  Good bye, dear friend.  You will be missed but not forgotten.

Nothing crafty to show.  I've finally started cleaning up the gardens and that will consume much of my time.  I am getting ready to bind my sheep challenge rug so I will be done before the deadline.  I've pulled a few loops on Daisy ~ very few.  I'm two months behind on my Rebekah Smith mystery stitch along and soon to be three. 

Some exciting news ~ Friend Melissa and I have been asked to vend at From Our Hands at the end of the month.  I have been trying to get things made but of course not nearly as much as I would like.  Most of my stamped necklaces are "hooker" related, so I'm trying to broaden my horizons.  Any ideas for a catchy phrase to stamp on a necklace?

Saturday Melissa and I are off to Ann Arbor, MI for their hook in.  Sadly it conflicts with the "Amish" hook in here in Ohio.  Both are such a good time!  I'm sorry we had to chose just one.

Please keep a dear friend in your prayers.  She has suffered an unspeakable loss and my heart just breaks for her.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. i was saddened to read that Julia would no longer be blogging. I love her stories and I cannot imagine anyone working harder than she does. Her stories exhaust me just reading them. I also read Millies Mats so I will check out her new blog.

  2. Thanks for the plug Lauren. How about some wino related necklaces? ;)

  3. Sorry I won't see you at the Amish hook in! There is always so many choices, so little time! Maybe some garden, (plant) related necklaces. Or let's see, punch needle is growing in popularity. "Keep on punching". I love my necklace I got from you a couple years ago. Also a big fan of the typewriter letters for initials. You always have such good ideas. Have a fun weekend in Ann Arbor!

  4. It is sad that so many stopped blogging and went the Facebook route. I love reading blogs and can't always comment, but I like to see what is new or going on with my blogger friends.


  5. Sorry to hear about your friend's heartache. Hope yours is healing. Congrats on the show! Can you glue/attach bright brass (heart, cross, bee) onto the silver? Bee good. I heart thread. Of female
    worth. Hot and flashy!

  6. prayers for your friend. I am so sad about Julia but I understand her reason why.
    Love Kim's new blog. have fun raking in the money.

  7. Good morning and thank you for sharing about Kim's blog. I have enjoyed her posts and know her new blog will be as much fun.

    I, too, love reading blogs. It gives me a different perspective of the world.

    I hope you have a wonderful time at Ann Arbor. And congratulations on the are so talented. I'm sure it will be fun.

  8. Hi Lauren,
    I was also sad to read about Julia's decision, but I encouraged her to not close it, just in case she gets inspired to share! She is such an amazing and sweet woman!!
    Thanks for the info on Kim as well!! I will be sure to visit her new blog!!
    Congrats on your invite!!! Yay for You!! How about STITCHER, FRIEND, SASSY, SPIRITED, BFF, QUILTER, GARDEN, I HEART YOU (with heart symbol) HUGS, for a few ideas!!
    Hope you have a wonderful week!
    Warm Hugs~

  9. Afternoon, yes, so many bloggers are gone from when I started not to long ago, miss many. Happy Kim started a new one...Hugs Francine.

  10. Congrat's on your invite. I hope you do well.

  11. I also hate it when favorite bloggers of mine just quit and don't give warning just never post again and say nothing. It's a big lost to us who feed off their blogs.
    I like the idea of BFF stamped on your necklaces what about i'm a junker, but I guess it has to relate to your rug hooking.
    Have fun setting up at the show

  12. Love your sheep rug, Lauren! Have fun on your adventure. Sell lots of goodies!

  13. Hip hip hurray! I will get to meet you in person in Peninsula! :)
    I love the idea of garden themed necklaces:
    Garden Thyme, Gardener, Garden
    Maybe stitching related Samplers, Sampler Maker, I Create
    Faith related: Faith, Be Still & Know, Simplicity, Peace, Faith Hope & Love...
    Looking forward to seeing you soon!
    Blessings, Patti

  14. how about just Handwork or Hands to Work - that encompasses many endeavors. I just love my Woolwoman tag you did for me and my "wool" spoon to but I wear the woolwoman more. Hope you have a great time at the MI hook in. Enjoy! Mel

  15. Wish I lived closer and could shop your goods. And the very idea of having to choose between events!!! Lucky girl. Sent one up for your friend. Hope she is doing okay. I love blogs. FB and Instagram are okay, but just don't compare. Kind of like getting a long, handwritten letter vs a text.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)