Sunday, February 7, 2016

My Sauder Rug ~

Once again, the hooking retreat at Sauder was a great time.  Friends, old and  new.  Lots of laughter.  Yummy snacks.  Plenty of hooking time.
I started on Daisy, a pattern by Spruce Ridge Studios.  I completed hooking Daisy the first day.  Yes, I did hook her in a 9 and 9.5 cut.  Yes, I did hook from 9 AM until midnight.  But for me this was HUGE.  I know I've never accomplished that much hooking in one day.

Day #2 was another story.  I didn't start hooking until about 10 AM and by 2 ish we were packing to go home, so not much was hooked :(

This is what I accomplished last evening and today.  Not nearly as much as I had hoped for . . . but some progress is better than none.
Here is the wool used for Daisy.  I looked through some of my old wool fliers to try to find whose wool it is, but could not find it.  Anyone know?

Lots more Sauder to share, but somehow the day has slipped away.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Lauren what beautiful work, excited to see it finished.....Sounds like a wonderful you had, love to see photos of your weekend....

  2. love this rug...your choice of wool is perfect...but I'm concerned out that looks a to me ? pardon my concern...but I showed it to a coworker in the ER without saying a word and she said the same thing...

  3. Wow just lovely Lauren. That is a lot of hooking.
    I love how it is turning out and I love the colors of your wool. What a fun rug.

  4. how fun you got away with fellow hookers for some fun.
    I love your donkey

  5. I tried hooking in a group, I never got anything done, lol. It was fun just being out and talking with other hookers. Love how your rug is coming out.


  6. Glad you had such a good time. Looking forward to seeing Daisy done.

  7. Sounds like you really had a good time! You have certainly got a lot accomplished!

  8. I'm amazed on how much you got done hooking in a group. I'd be all over the place looking at everyone's work and taking pictures like I did at the Maritime Fibre Retreat a few years back but had the time of my life.

    I never look at the tail to see if it's female or male. How can they tell, lol...
    I'm glad you had a great time.

  9. Lauren, send that picture to Betsy, I'll bet it is hers.

  10. Change the tail! CHANGE THE TAIL!! LOL

  11. Afternoon Lauren, love Daisy, can't wait to see her finished.Blessings Francine.

  12. I'm reading the comments about the tail, haha! I love the rug and the wool you used. A beautiful rug!

  13. I love times like that when I have dedicated hours to work on a project - can't believe how much you got done! Of course, the wide cut helps with that. What a fun donkey and the daisies are great!

  14. Well I had to go back and look at the tail - I guess I am a true city girl because I had no clue about "the tail" - I hope one day I make it to Sauder - A dream of mine to go to the August event. Glad you had a good time and felt it was productive. Can't wait to see more of Daisy ! Happy Monday - Mel

  15. Oh my heck....I'm laughing so hard about the tail comments I completely forgot what I was going to say. :o) I truly didn't notice until kelley brought it up. ;o) Anywho...looks like I'm going to have to rename you...from GT to Speed Hooker. Holy donkeys! And to do that much at a retreat no less! I have never accomplished anything in groups...I think I'm one of the "disruptive ones" if ya know what I mean. Hope your week is off to a great start...gee, surprise's snowing in Nod again. Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  16. Having a good time and getting that much hooking done in one weekend! Sounds wonderful!

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