Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Knee Deep ~

~ in Christmas boxes.  I know less is more, but I still haven't been able to grasp the concept . . . sigh. 
I just wanted to pop in to say hi.  I've been without internet/Wi-Fi for three days except on my iPhone, and I'm terrible at that.  Thankfully my sweetie spent a couple hours on the phone and got me up and running ;)
Be back soon.  Must go unpack the snowmen.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Wonderful santa collection. I seem to have an eclectic mix of things this year.


  2. It's hard to not put out all the things you love and enjoy for the Christmas season. I'll start out good and then I'll think, I want this out and I gotta have this out, etc, etc! :)

  3. I love your Santa collection. I have been cleaning and taking things out so it is just one big pile in this house.

  4. I used to go bananas setting up Christmas decorations and then it became more of a pain. Particularly since there are no visitors to enjoy it and I spend Christmas day with my son. So now it is minimal decorations which are easy to put away.

    Drives me nuts when I didn't have internet service. And to think at one time saw no need for a computer, har har. Seems I can't live without one now.

  5. We all go a little stir crazy without internet service. I haven't been much on the computer this week as I've spent most of the day in bed since I've been on antibiotic and feel no energy. Two more capsules to go and I'm done.

    I love seeing your santa collection. The little santa on the pig got me laughing.

    Hope you have a good day.

  6. I wondered what you had been doing. So nice to see your lovely decorations. I always enjoy it very much. So glad you are up and running now. Have a lovely Wednesday!

  7. The santas are just so prim perfect but you know my heart really raced when I saw the kitty rug. Just decided this weekend that Christmas decor wasn't going to happen this year since I'm still tweaking our decor and unpacking boxes so not gonna happen! We have been having computer issues as well but Mark thinks he's got it fixed now....fingers crossed.

  8. What a wonderful collection of Belsnickles ... Yes, decorating is an adventure, it's the taking down that is boring and tedious. I would love to leave it all up all year long, but that would not go over well in this household. Oh yes, we too have a geather tree like yours, I just have to find it. Thanks for the reminder.

    Have a great day with Peace to ALL,

  9. You've made more progress than me on the decorating front - I'm halfway thinking of doing nothing this year.....

  10. Hi Lauren, love the collection, I am trying simple decorating this holiday, ha!!!!!! Blessings Francine.


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