Sunday, October 18, 2015

So NOT Ready ~

As many of you may remember, I am NOT a wintertime person.  I don't like the cold.  Last night, I was cold.  I took my grandson to Boo at the Cleveland Zoo and there was white stuff falling from the sky.  Little white pellets.  Not snow.  Not hail.  Most unpleasant :(

My favorite Ninja
Finally ~ Eke and Zeke is hooked.  I procrastinated and procrastinated.  For weeks I just had a little left to do on the cat's face.  I did a little reverse hooking on the cat and a little on the pumpkin.  I had so much trouble with the pumpkin eyes.  I'm still not too happy but I'm calling them good.  Now we'll see if I can get it bound before Halloween.  The background colors are way out of my comfort zone.  The green is a dye formula shared here by Saundra of Woodland Junction.

I am making more sunflowers (there's still time to enter the give-away ~ see the previous post) and since several have inquired, I will do a little show and tell in a future post on how I make them.  It may not be the right way, but it's the way I do it.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Love the rug Lauren!! I love the dyed green. Jake looks so cute and he's getting so big! Glad you had s good time but sorry you froze

  2. I know exactly how you feel....I am in northeast Ohio close to Sharon was nasty here yesterday.....I hate winter your ninja, never been to boo at zoo should think to take grands....:). Love to see how you make your sunflowers too......Ike and Zeke turned out great....son just hot a parrot, named him Zeke....a:). Go Bucks!


  3. This weather is nuts!! It's 26 degrees here this morning, and there were bits of snow up north of here at Rhinebeck yesterday. Brrrr! Love your rug! Cute grandson too.

  4. Lauren we got that same white funny snow as you had. The sun was shining and the cold wind started blowing and those funny white stuff was flying around. Nothing stayed on the ground but it was COLD.

    I have some bulbs to plant and it will have to warm up
    some before I go out working in the yard. I'm not a cold lover either. Brrrr.

    Your pumpkin kitty is lovely and great job on those eyes. Making eyes with wide cut must be really challenging.

    Jake looks like he's ready to protect you. You're such a good grandmother.

    Have a good week and keep warm and safe.

  5. Don't send any of that white stuff here!! Know what you mean about the out of your comfort zone on colors. I much prefer to use textures and chose that green background on two of my Halloween mats just because I had the overdyed wool and wanted to use it up.

  6. I can't believe other states are getting snow, hope it stays away from us, lol. We are getting 60's this week, that is perfect weather for fall and daily walks.


  7. Oh good, I would love to see how you make them. I have read about this cold weather going on, I am ready to move. So sick of warm weather. :) Oh and shorts.
    Ron just won't move. :)
    I love your very cute rug. I think it turned out fantastic.
    I hope it warms up and the cold doesn't stick around.
    Have a very nice Monday.

  8. Snow already, wow... We are having such nice weather here for a change. ...sweet Ninja, looks great... Love your rug, you are so talented.Blessings Francine.

  9. I am not ready for snow either! The winters are LONG!

  10. Ugh. The cold is slowly creeping in.
    We actually had something white falling from the sky on Sunday !
    Would love to see how you make your lovely sunflowers.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)