Sunday, October 11, 2015

Not According to Plan ~

My plan this weekend was to
  • bind Old Tom
  • finish Eke and Zeke
  • start pulling wools for my challenge rug.
Well . . . I did bind Old Tom . . .

. . . and then I got sidetracked.  I thought it would be fun to hook a few sunflowers and put them on an old bedspring.  The other night hooking with at Hidden Hills Hookers, I was inspired by Deb's sunflower. 
I guessed the diameter of the center and started hooking.  When I finally added the proddy petals, I discovered that it is too big for the spring.  I guess these three will end of being table mats.  Because of the way I hooked the center, I just can't remove the outer row.  The overall diameter is about nine inches.

I used three different golds for the petals.  Fun to do and it hooks up quickly.

We've had some beautiful fall weather.  I wish it could go on like this until spring.  A hooker can dream, n'est pa?
Ellie is curled up on her usual spot on the couch soaking up a little sun.  She's not a wintertime gal, either.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Love your Tom Turkey rug and I simple love your sunflowers!!! I think they are perfect!! Every year I say I'm going to hook myself some and I never them on the rusty spring!!

  2. Tom turned out great. Your sunflower is inspiring.

  3. I've also been known to take a hard right hand turn and do something else. We do get easily inspired. Your sunflower is delightful!

  4. Tom is wonderful! so sorry the sunflowers didn't pan out as planned we have been having such nice weather oh if could go on for a few more months.

  5. Your sunflower looks so pretty and so does Ellie. What a sweet picture of her curled up.

    My plans seldom goes as planned. C'est la vie...

  6. Those sunflowers are so great. I have never done proddy. Ellie looks so happy, dreaming of dog bones and squeaky toys.

  7. Ellie is so darling curled up in the sun Lauren. Love old Tom, wonderful rug and cute sunflowers too.Blessings Francine.

  8. I like how your sunflowers look and if they are too big for one thing, we can always think of another way to use them;)


  9. Your sunflowers look great! I've seen some pretty big one on springs ~ maybe you should try it! Can't hurt!

  10. Beautiful Sunflowers! I guess they can be used as a candle mat too? Or, Put them on a stick (from the yard) and tie wool leaves to the stick too... fun stuff! :-)

  11. such swet sunflowers! I would love to make some too. Can I ask how you added the petals?

  12. Love the sunflowers and sweet little Ellie!


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