Sunday, September 13, 2015

You Just Never Know . . .

. . . what will sell and what won't.  Things that sold well at the last hook in did not sell at all.  One hook in down and one to go. 
A great group of hookers met in Navarre, Ohio, for the Ft. Laurens Rug Crafters hook in.  This is the second year I was invited to vend and I am thankful I was asked.  It is a smaller hook in and since many already own one of my spoon necklaces, I hardly sold any.  I did sell quite a few "add ons" and beads, a few patterns and heart pin cushions.  Of course I had hoped to do better, but I am pleased with my sales.  Every little bit helps support my habit :)

Hooker friend Melissa is so creative.  She made these beautiful hooked necklaces and some with charms.

Sweet scissor/hook holders and pin cushion necklaces . . .

. . . and her amazing wool cuff bracelets embellished with old buttons, lace, Sari ribbon, charms, etc.
A few rugs were displayed.

Isn't this a fun pair?

I think this was called "initials in a tree".

Isn't that neat? 

Here is one rug that was being worked on.  It is a Woolley Fox pattern, 6 1/2 feet long.  Her colors were amazing.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Happy Sunday to you.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Sounds like a fun time, Lauren...and you're just never know what people are going to buy. I go thru the same thing. Beautiful, beautiful displays!! Can't wait for Lakeside this week!!!!

  2. Wow you are home already? I am so glad you had such a nice time. I really do like the pictures of all of the nice things.
    Now you can kick up your feet. :)

  3. Your table looked great! I'm going to try to find
    a group in SC. I do have a tip about one. I know
    what you mean about your habit. I have several!
    Julia in SC

  4. Your goodies look wonderful! Hope you have lots of sales next time. You're just never know what will sell. Gorgeous runner!

  5. Very nice rug show. Sorry you didn't have better sales but next time you will knock em dead.

  6. I too hope you have lots of great sales next time. It is nice to have the extra money

  7. As you say, every little bit helps.

  8. That is a lot of talent under one roof!!!

  9. Hi Lauren, I love those hooked necklaces, so sweet. A lot of talent there, Blessings Francine.

  10. I think this is a tough time of year to sell, probably closer to the holidays would be better. Lots of wonderful rugs and sounds like you enjoyed the show.


  11. I stopped trying to second guess what sells or doesn't and instead just make what my heart tells me too. Always seems to work out better that way. Everything looks wonderful and those cuffs are really interesting. Glad you had a good time!

  12. Lovely runner !
    Retail can be so fickle.
    One year I sold 4 dozen wool pumpkins - the next year only 1 line pumpkin !
    Shows are always fun though and I love reconnecting with friends !

  13. Wow! Those wool bracelets are cool!!!!

  14. Morning Lauren - I have only been to one hook-in so to speak (it was actually a retreat for any kind of fiber craft) but so much fun.
    Wow - some of those rugs are so 'ambitious' - I barely get a small one finished.
    So nice you were asked back - that says A LOT for you and your craft.

  15. Glad you had a good time - did you get to do any hooking while you were there? I'm loving the quilt/sheep rug because it combines things that I love too. Do you know who the designer is?

  16. Hi Lauren,
    As everyone else says, you just never know what will sell, but as Louise said, just follow your heart and make what you love!! Your displays were lovely, as are all your goodies!!
    Love the rugs, especially the cow!!! Made me laugh out loud!! That runner is spectacular too!!!
    Have a great week!!!
    Warm Hugs~

  17. Lauren, they asked you back because they only invite the best. Your sales items are all lovely.

    That's how it goes at sales sometimes, you never know from one time to another. Having fun being with like minded people is worth it. Better luck next time.



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