Wednesday, September 9, 2015

I Quit ~

I must call it quits.  The first hook in is Saturday and I work Thursday and Friday.  I've got to stop thinking I can make more.  This is the last of it.  Heart pin cushions filled with crushed walnut shells.  Much more muted in person.  

Yesterday and today we had an overnight visitor at work.  I've said before I work in a very old, decrepit building.  When we got to work after the long weekend, my co-worker's office was trashed.  A large plant knocked over along with the trash can.  This paw print (one of many) on her desk.

Her candy dish was totally empty.  Obviously it liked Milky Ways and Snickers.

He/she also visited the kitchen, another office and the men's room.  Poor Sam had no food left in his bowls.  Thankfully the unwelcome visitor left my office alone.  Sam was very happy to see Linda and has stayed close to her for the last two days.  Look at his little tongue sticking out.

Oh, I almost forgot.  The winner of Celebration XXV is Larkrise Garden Girl.  Congrats to Cheri.  Please email me your snail mail address and I will get the book out as soon as I can.  Thanks to all who entered.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. A raccoon is your visitor. That is what the print looked like. Gosh, in the offices. Poor kitty, I had a kitty that looked like that and was the sweetest kitty in the whole world. I love your goodies that you have been busy working on. At least you know when to stop. I am so glad Cheri won!! Good for her. I hope you have a really great weekend.

  2. Good luck at the hook in! At least kitty had some♥Amy

  3. Loving those hearts filled with walnut shells !
    Glad your office was untouched !

  4. oh no must of scared that cat to death. Your pin cushions look great!

  5. Those raccoons can be pretty mischievious!!! Imagine the story it is telling it's other raccoon friends!!! Poor kitty still looks a little stressed.

  6. He sure is a handsome boy!!
    Sweet pincushions!!

  7. Glad to hear the visitor was gone when you guys got back to work.

    Have fun this weekend.

  8. I was going to suggest it was a raccoon too. Did they call in someone to remove the pest and seal up the hole?

    Good luck with your hook-in sales.

  9. Such sweet little hearts - I love the buttons added on for interest. Good luck on sales at the hook-in - I always love to see the pictures you share so I'll be looking forward to those.....

  10. Was the uninvited guest a raccoon? Poor little kitty he/she still appears nervous...Hope someone discovered how your intruder entered...Very sweet little hearts, love the buttons...good luck at the hook-in...hope you do well...

  11. My guess is a raccoon too. Pesky little buggers!

  12. Lauren i am so excited to win something!!!! Hugs cheri

  13. Congratulations to Cheri on her lucky winning.

    I recognized that foot print and it will be back unless it's caught. We caught many raccoons last year and they ate lot of feed. I can't blame that cat for being frighten, the poor thing.

    Your hearts with buttons are lovely.

    I'm in Ottawa and trying to catch up on blogs.

  14. Congratulations to Cheri on her lucky winning.

    I recognized that foot print and it will be back unless it's caught. We caught many raccoons last year and they ate lot of feed. I can't blame that cat for being frighten, the poor thing.

    Your hearts with buttons are lovely.

    I'm in Ottawa and trying to catch up on blogs.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)