Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Just a Quick Hello ~

This was the view at the beach at San Simeon last evening. 


We are about midway through our California vacation.  We spent a few days in the LA area visiting with my #1 bad boy, Bill, and his girlfriend.  It was SO good to see them.  Bill was happy to see me and especially happy  with his 3 pumpkin rolls.  Thankfully there was no weight limit on my personal carry on bag because they were heavy.  Going through airport security, they took all of them out and hand scanned them. 

Yesterday we toured the Hearst Castle.  Words cannot begin to describe it.  68,500 square feet. 38 bedrooms.  30 fireplaces.  14 sitting rooms.  Over 22,500 antiques and artifacts.  WOW.  

We are now in Napa Valley spending a few days with DSO's son and fiancée.  It is so much more relaxed here.  

I am actually posting from my iPad for only the second time ever.  This is not easy for me.  Maybe if I do it more often, it will get easier.  

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pugs :)


  1. Hi Lauren,
    So glad you are having a great time!!! Jeff and I had our anniversary up in Cayucos, but didn't make it to Hearst due to time!! We will definitely have to make it happen sometime!!
    Good job on posting on your iPad! I have a hard enough time with my lap top, so you should be proud!!
    Enjoy your time away!!
    Warm Hugs~

  2. Oh my, can you imagine having to clean that castle?
    So glad you're having a great time visiting your love ones.
    Wishing you a relaxing and enjoyable time for the rest of your vacation...
    Good job on the iPad.

  3. Seems like you're having a nice restful vacation Lauren.....exactly what you need!! The ocean is lovely! I can't even begin to imagine a home that big...

  4. Oh but I did love Hearst Castle and was hard to imagine anyone living like that. And the inside pool was awesome. when we toured we were told that anything that looked like gold or was gold inlay WAS gold.

    I'm still unable to post a comment on your blog with my iPad and I have BlogPress. Frustrating as hell.

  5. How beautiful..
    Vacation and family time.
    Did you say pumpkin roll?
    Oh my what a sweetie pie are you?
    Want a sister?
    Woolie Hugs

  6. Glad you're having a good time away. Hearst Castle sounds awesome!

  7. It looks like a wonderful place to visit and sounds like you are having a good time.


  8. Oh so glad you are having fun!! Isn't Hearst Castle just mind blowing?
    I am so glad you are having fun. I like your picture of the beach.
    I was thinking about you and wondering how it is going.

  9. Hearst is on my list! If you haven't been to Viansa Winery in Sonoma, it's worth the drive! So enjoy my Pug spoon handle that you found for me at Katie Allman's Hook-In! Have fun!

  10. oh it sounds and looks like a lovely vacation.
    enjoy the rest.

  11. Glad you're enjoying the trip!


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