Thursday, July 2, 2015

Do You Play the Kohl's Game?

Are you like me and don't want to shop at Kohl's if you only have a 15% coupon? 

Last month I had a 30% coupon.  I spent $128.77 and saved $203.64.  I also got $20 in Kohl's cash and a coupon for $10 off a $30 purchase. 

So I head to Kohl's with my cash and coupon plus my $5 in reward money.  I really wasn't in the mood to shop (I never really am) but HAD to spend it or lose it.  I figured I would not be able to use the $10 off $30 coupon since my purchase was with Kohl's cash.  Wrong.  I take my purchase to the register and still have a balance of $3.01 so I grabbed a Godiva chocolate bar for $2.95.  I really wasn't worried about my $.06 balance.

And what did I buy?

This very funky chicken for my yard.

Isn't he fun?  And free is a very good price.
Then yesterday I get my rewards email and got another $10 coupon.  C'mon.  Really???  Would you ever pay full price for something at Kohl's?  Do you play the game, too?
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Happy 4th to you.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I love Kohl's and I really like your free chicken!

  2. That is the only way to shop there, lol.
    I think they tend to be over priced so buying clothes on sale and using the coupons, really makes it a deal.


  3. Wow, that's my type of shopping. How do they do it?
    It doesn't compute in my little head....
    Love, love the rooster. I have a thing for roosters...


  4. If I would remember to spend the Kohl's cash before it expires, but I never do. I want that chicken.

  5. You lucky HEN! Love your Rooster. No I don't play the Kohls game and not sure I even have an active Kohls card although I've purchased there before. Guess I'll have to become enlightened.

  6. I love the Kohl's game. I spend way more money when I have 30% off than 15% off, for the exact same reason you have, which is good business for Kohl's and makes me thrilled to get a bargain and some nice stuff.

  7. I'm so mad...I let my Kohl's cash expire!!! I had $20 and the $10 coupon....I think I had too much going on last week to even think of it! I do love Kohls...they have the best stuff for homes!!

  8. yikes...I never sure there is a Kohl's card around here somewhere...

  9. Love that rooster! We don't have Kohls but there is a point scheme at my grocery store. Last week my grocery order was free!

  10. If you lived in Oregon you'd save even more -------we have NO sales tax.

  11. Wow!!!! Wish there was a Kohl's here, love the chicken Lauren.

  12. Oh my gosh, yes!! I have a 40 dollar Kohl's cash thing I am waiting to use plus the coupons. I think mine if finally good today. That is so cool that you got your things for free. I might have to go shopping today. :)
    I love, love that chicken. He is awesome! Have a lovely fourth!

  13. I have never played the Kohls game and am very ill informed on how it all works :( but do LOVE the rooster. What a fun, colorful addition!

  14. Too funny....I only go when I have the 30% off coupon too , such a bargain ! It just makes you go back to turn in your Kohl's cash , can't beat it ! Happy 4th !

  15. Wow! That's some serious savings! Too bad Kohl's doesn't sell wool and quilt fabric! :-)


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