Saturday, July 18, 2015

Cleveland Zoo Adventure ~

Today I will bore you with my zoo adventure with grandson Jake.  For Christmas dear friend Dolly gifted Jake and me with an "Inside Tracks" tour at the Cleveland Zoo.  It is a 90 minute behind the scenes tour.  Yesterday was tour day.  We had our rain ponchos and umbrella, but other than a few sprinkles on our journey there, we thankfully did not need them.

Dolly spends many days a month volunteering at the zoo.  Yesterday she was at the rhino exhibit.

This is Juba.  The first time we saw him he only weighed a couple hundred pounds.  Now he is 2200+.  He is very special to Jake because one year for Christmas Jake "adopted" him thanks to Dolly.  

At the start of our tour.  Jake wanted to sit with the girls but they didn't want to be too close to him :)

Our first stop was in Australia and getting up close and personal with a wallaby named Foster.  We all got to feed him and give him a quick pet.  I say quick because He moves FAST.

Our next stop is my favorite exhibit at the zoo.  The koalas are tops on my list.  

Next up was the Bactran camel.  Not a very attractive animal.

Our last stop was a temporary exhibit at the zoo for the summer.  The African penguin are tiny little things, weighing about 6 - 10 pounds.  

Here is the penguin zookeeper with Missy.  She is very attached to him and didn't leave his side.  You can see how small she really is.

The zoo added many smashed penny machines since our last visit.  Jake enjoys collecting them.

A ball of monkeys.  There were three of them in this picture. 

I need to get my mind out of the gutter.  This cracked me up.

I am so out of shape.  By 3:00 I didn't think I could walk another step and we did not leave for another hour and a half.  We had a great time and I really owe Dolly a big thank you for such a fun, memory-making gift.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. looks like you guys had a good time. my grandson and grandaughter are in Germany .It'll be a long time before we have a fun day together.But we did go to Lego Land before they left.

  2. Oh my, I bet jake felt very special with getting this insider zoo tour.

    I was looking at Jake and that bronze primate, trying to figure out what you meant about getting your mind out of the gutter until I saw the next picture. haha- haha...

    You really deserve a medal for taking Jake to the zoo.
    Have a great rest of the weekend.

  3. Hi, Lauren, looks like you are making many wonderful memories with your grandson. I love his red pretty. I can't imagine how you were able to do this in the heat and humidity...maybe it is much cooler up there :)

  4. Jake is growing up so fast and also love his red hair and hope he does too.

    I'm with Julia in wondering what was wrong with the picture of Jake and the statue. Then the next picture understood. I've always wondered if the comment should go before the photo or after. This helped me so guess there's really no wrong.

  5. Hey this is the best zoo trip I have ever read about!! I love the look on Jake's face. He is such a handsome boy.
    I bet that was a fun trip. It looks fun and hey, Slippery Dick would be my favorite fish. :) That is hilarious! Have a great Sunday!

  6. I enjoyed the zoo trip here on your blog. Hugs, Kat

  7. I love behind the scenes those little penguins...Jake is just as handsome as ever...looking so mature next to those girls!

  8. Such a fun day for Jake and you!! The pictures are precious! He's so lucky to have such a good grandma!!

  9. Oh my goodness Jake is all grown up no little boy left.
    what a wonderful gift and it looks like Jake enjoyed it all.

  10. Hi Lauren,
    What a wonderful gift for the two of you to enjoy and make some fun memories too!! I have always loved the Zoo and it is such a great place for kids, both old, and young!
    Jake is so handsome and I'm sure before long the girls will be flocking around him!!
    You are a wonderful grandma and I'm sure he agrees!!
    Warm Hugs~

  11. Morning, great zoo, Jake is so cute. Blessings Francine.

  12. Jake is a very handsome young man! Great photos and great memories. And you gave me a hearty laugh (about the fish)!

  13. Glad you had a great day with your family. Love the exotic animals the Cleveland Zoo offers but I would have dwindled down to a puddle of sweat if I spent as much time as y'all did. Great minds must think alike as mine was in the gutter with yours at the name of that poor fish!!

  14. Sounds that you had a wonderful time with your family in the tour. Thanks for sharing them!


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