Sunday, July 26, 2015

Another One Bites the Dust ~

Another weekend, that is.  I have managed to fritter the weekend away.  I feel I've accomplished nothing but I've been busy.  Yesterday was spent running.  Did go to the downtown Seville antique show.  Didn't really get anything worth mentioning though I did stock up on silver plate spoons for necklaces.  Paid a little more than I'd like, but my inventory was getting low and it's not like I can go to the used silver plate store and stock up.  I need to buy them whenever I can find them.  I also stopped at the Wool Yankers wool sale and bought only three pieces.  I really restrained myself :)  The two on the left are wools I've had in the past and really like.  I never would have thought to purchase the wool on the right, but it is very similar in pattern (but a different color) to the wool that Saundra used on the outer edge of her little black kitten rug.
I also got a vintage rug hook to add to my small collection and a button hook that I couldn't resist.  I think the handle is Bakelite. 
Today . . . I'm trying to finish up the rug that is heading to California on Thursday.  I'm not enjoying hooking it so I've been dragging my feet.  I also need to plan some wool applique projects to work on during the flights and drive to northern California.  It's doable in the cramped space of the cabin.  I also need to think about packing.  I am so bad and don't do a good job of planning ahead.  The next few days will be B-U-S-Y.
That's it.  Just wanted to pop in and say hi.  I hope your weekend has been a good one.

I really do appreciate all the sweet comments about my son's girlfriend. 
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Goes by too the Minions!

  2. At our age, we are entitled to fritter a weekend away without guilt. I'm glad you did.
    Your hooks and wool looks very nice and it didn't took you long to get a similar wool as Saundra's for that special finished edge.

    I bet those old vintage silver spoons and forks are getting harder to get now.

    I hope that you have a great week.
    Here, it's been cold but even colder in Glasgow Scotland where my oldest daughter lives. It was only 7°C. or 44.6 °F. overnight... Like being in the cooler...

  3. I am catching up amazing what your son's girlfriend has done oh boy! Good finds have a great week

  4. Sounds like you had a fun weekend! Love that neat plaid wool that you found. I bet it's going to hook up really neatly. Do they have a website? I'm thinking that would be a neat piece to add to my stash. Hope you have a great week! -Mary

  5. I know all too well about hooking and not having a fun time doing it, lol. However, the recipient will love it.

    Love the vintage tools and your wool purchases. Looking forward to seeing what you use the wool on the right on. Will miss you while you're gone but know you have a delightful time.

  6. I am the queen of frittering away days lately.

  7. Girlfriend, you deserve some downtime to fritter away. You are always pushing so hard, you can suffer from burn out if you don't take some "Me Time."


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)