Sunday, June 28, 2015

Kingwood Center Hook In ~

Katie Allman puts on the most wonderful hook in at Kingwood Center every June.  It is such a beautiful place to wander about, though the weather didn't allow for too much wandering.  Thankfully the rain can't stop the hookers :)  There were about 150 hookers in two buildings. 
This year's theme was Red, White and Blue.  We all received a wool firecracker . . .
. . . and were entertained throughout the day by Miss Liberty (aka Sue, one of the funniest hookers you will ever meet). 

Lots of good vendors.  (Sorry, I didn't get pictures of all of them).
Kris Miller, Spruce Ridge Studios, always has a beautiful booth.
Daisy, a pattern I purchased from Kris last year but have not yet hooked.  

I believe this vendor was Basket Treasures from Indianapolis.  Most of their goods were displayed in vintage suitcases and antiques.  What a couple of characters.

Linda Powell also had a fun display . . .

. . . and LeAnn's booth had such beautiful alpaca yarns.

Hooker friend Melissa and I shared a space.  Here are some of my goodies.

Close up of the antique paisley pendants I made.  Aren't the elephant and fish necklaces fun?

Melissa makes beautiful wool cuff bracelets adorned with bits of antique lace and buttons, sari ribbon, beads, etc.  Each is one of a kind.  

Some of the patriotic rugs displayed.  I believe the flag/soldier rug was voted to be the best patriotic rug.  Very touching.

It is so nice to spend time with like-minded individuals who all share the same love of hooking.  I had a number of people tell me they read and enjoy my blog and that just made my day.
I have more to share but will save that for another day.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Thanks for sharing. What a great hook-in. Love it when vendors are there.

  2. Thanks for sharing. What a great hook-in. Love it when vendors are there.

  3. That looks like a fun hook in and I always love americana.


  4. So glad you had a good time. Looks like so much fun! Hope you have a wonderful 4th. Perhaps we could get together soon and hook? Take care. Sue

  5. Hope you did well. Your necklaces were all pretty and would have been hard to pick one. And of course I LOVE my elephant and hooker spoon necklace.

    Does Katie have pellon or something stiff inside her wool cuff? Bet I could make myself of these days if I ever got the damn hook out of my hand. Still haven't bound the Chum rug still staring at it in the living room as I hook.

  6. Beautiful pictures, Lauren....I sure did miss going this year....too bad everything has to happen on the same darn weekend! Lovely rugs...I love the red, white, and blue Lollipop rug!

  7. seems like the best way to spend a rainy day...nothing like seeing new rugs...I'm loving that lollipop rug too...

  8. I think that looks like a totally awesome way to spend a weekend. I love the pretty things you made and I love seeing all of my favorite things. I do love rug hooking!
    The rugs are wonderful too.

  9. Hi Lauren,
    Looks like so much fun!!! I'm sure you felt so special when people recognized you!! Love all of your goodies too! Hope you did well vending!
    I also love that lollipop rug, as well as so many others!! Such talent!!!!
    Hope you have a great week!!
    Warm Hugs~

  10. Your fishes and elephants spoons necklaces are so cute. I'm so glad that you can go to all these hookins and shows. You are such a great ambassador for rug hooking.

    Kris Miller's wool looks so delicious. I've been looking at all my dark colors of dismantled wool skirts in my stash and I think to myself, maybe I would hook is I had a sash of wool like that.

    Hope your week starts nicely after such a great weekend.
    Thanks for sharing in your wooly adventures Lauren.

  11. Looks like so much fun , hope your cute pins & necklaces sold out !!!

  12. Ooh that looks like so much fun. All those hookers....all that

  13. Looks like a fun event, and I loved seeing your vending space too!

  14. Oh Lauren, looks like a great time!!! Enjoyed your vending space, looked wonderful.Blessings Francine.

  15. Oh my what wonderful eye candy...I fear my wallet would come home empty...some very talented people at that hook in..How do I purchase one of your beautiful pendants? Happy Fourth Of July! Julie...

  16. Lauren that was a great show. I especially loved your rugs!!!!
    I wish I lived back to attend all those wonderful hook in!!
    Hugs cheri


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