Tuesday, May 19, 2015

What a Mess ~

It's a good thing I live alone.  Others might have a problem living with this mess.  When I hook, it is upstairs in my hooking room so my mess is contained there and pretty much out of sight.  I stamp my spoons and forks in the basement, but any other creating is done on the dining room table and this is what my table has looked like for a couple of weeks.  Even I am tired of the mess, but makes no sense to me to put it away each evening.  I am getting ready to vend at the Western Reserve hook in at the end of the month and am trying to come up with a few new things.
I will be taking some of my garden markers . . .

. . . and some of the pickle and olive forks.  (There's still time to enter if you'd like to try winning a set.  See my previous post.)

I've been making pendants out of antique paisley (oh, they are so much prettier in person) and some pendants made with quillies.  

Velveteen and antique paisley pincushions are filled with crushed walnut shells to keep needles and pins nice and sharp.  I hope to get a few scissor fobs made, but we'll see if I run out of time.

My complete set of typewriter keys (missing the "C" . . . lol) now have bales and are ready to add to a necklace.

After nearly two weeks, still nothing on the frame.  I need to do a better job of planning ahead.  I've pulled several patterns already on linen and a few on paper, but nothing is screaming my name.  I hope something screams soon.
My little robin mat is about 80% bound.  I'm going to give myself an atta-girl for binding it.  I will share the finish in my next post.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. You're hoping for something to scream and I will gladly offer my services. I do it freely and often. Miss Ellie may take offense to the "I live alone" statement. Will you be selling the keys other than at the show?

  2. Oh I hear ya, screaming helps me.. Love your garden markers and pendants, so pretty. Blessings Francine.

  3. My gawd girl, cut yourself some slack. You're busier than a bee in a hive. I also have a hooking room out of sight but it's never out of MY sight and it was a mess since I didn't put anything away and a lot of wool lints and a bunch of wool worms all over the table.
    I went upstairs to whip and bind my rug but couldn't do it until I cleaned that mess. Now it's done but my rug is still not binded and whipped. I'm done for the night. It supposed to be sunny for the rest of the week so no working on finishing the rug.

    Good luck with vending your ware. Love , love those forks.

  4. Wish I were going to that hook-in, I love all of your for sale items!

  5. I love all your for sale items too! Wish I lived closer so I could attend.

  6. Such great talent you have!!!!!!!!!. Ilove it all.
    Good luck with your show.

  7. Cute and unique items. Good luck with the show and forgive yourself for the creative mess to get there.

  8. The Western Reserve hook in sounds fabulous! I am sure that you will do well! If you have any paisley necklaces or paisley strawberries left, let me know! They are GORGEOUS!
    Blessings, Patti
    P.s. I don't create well in orderly spaces, so I understand completely :) it's against the artistic process ;)

  9. All your things looks very beautiful. The fork looks unique...

  10. My goodness you are one busy gal. I do so enjoy seeing what you are doing. All looks wonderful.

  11. My goodness you are one busy gal. I do so enjoy seeing what you are doing. All looks wonderful.

  12. Wow what a bunch of lovely things. I love all of that jewelery and the spoons are wonderful.
    My goal today is to start a rug. I also need to bind. So we will see.

  13. Wow! The gals who attend the hook-in are so lucky to be able to shop all the goodies you're making! Everything is so well done and clever - I love them all!

  14. P.S. How on earth do you bend those fork tines? Seems like it would be VERY difficult!

  15. Hi Lauren,
    Oh my, I was tired after reading your post!!! When do you sleep? You have certainly been busy and have made some lovely things!! Everyone will be thrilled!! I really love the oval paisley pendant in silver and also love the J initial! I'm sure you will sell them all!!! I also think the forks are special!!
    I think many of us who create have the same struggles but how can we be neat with so many different supplies!! It will get cleaned up and just think of all the pretties you will end up with!!
    Hope you have a wonderful time!!
    Warm Hugs~

  16. What an array of WONDERFUL items you have! You are like a beaver, very busy and creative! Love the typewriter keys and forks. Good Luck at your show, I think everything will go fast!

  17. Not a mess, but a creative HEAVEN !!!
    You have been very busy. Each of your items are great. ;)

  18. I wear the necklace you made all the time and always get compliments on it Lauren!
    The the type letters!
    Enjoy your long weekend.

  19. Oh goodness, it is a wonderful mess with lots of creativity going on. I love every item you've shown and bet you do well.

  20. well at least your mess has a purpose - it looks like you have some amazing stuff for the hook in coming up. I swear you have more hook ins that anyone I know of - you are so lucky ! I hope you have a grand Memorial Day weekend - enjoy Mel


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