Thursday, April 30, 2015

Seal Brown ~

Why is it there are so many things to do on the same day?  Saturday I had planned on attending the From our Hand & Hearts show in Peninsula, OH.  I passed on the dog rescue event so I could attend.  Then the chance to take a dye class came up.  I was torn, but decided it would be much cheaper to take the dye class than to attend the show . . . lol. 
I hook with mostly as-is wools, but do like some of the dyed wools, but at $40-$70 a yard, they are much too rich for my blood.  Hopefully I will learn some techniques and start more dyeing.  I have all the equipment and many packages of dye.  Finding the time is a big problem.  I guess I will just have to make the time.
Last week I did dye some blue wool (narrow piece on top) I had.  I had heard a bath of Cushing seal brown is great to tone down wool, and I am pleased with the results.  I am using it as the background wool on my robin.  

My DSO lives in what used to be the local shipyards and the former dry dock where 1,000 foot ore carriers were built is out his front door.  Heron are frequent visitors.  This guy was kind enough to let me get a couple good pictures.

Not much else going on.  Thanks for the visit.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I like that wool Lauren. Great background color.

  2. I usually dye my own, the costs can get up there. I do have a lot of dye books and planning on selling some off. I want to do some sales to help pay off our bills and some will go into a charity fund I am starting later. If you ever need help with dying, I will be happy to help if I can.


  3. You did good on the dying. The wool is toned down nicely.
    Love the great blue heron! You must have gotten pretty close or have a good zoom on your camera.

  4. What a great pic. I seem to remember seeing a rug hooking with this bird.
    Have a great Saturday !

  5. I learned to dye when I learned to hook but I have also found that if you want a certain color for something it is very hard. I am on well water and the make up of your water can throw it off. I have a lot of cushion dyes I need to get in the dye pot and too. I just need to dye to get other colors not for a certain color for a certain rug.
    good luck with your class.

  6. A great job on toning the wool and on that heron.
    So many choices to choose from but you were wise to choose the dye class as it will be good to do your own dyeing.
    Take care and enjoy the day.

  7. Happy May First!!! Great picture, good looking bird... Love the wool too, nice color.Blessings Francine.

  8. Your wool came out very well. I'm feeling under the weather so getting ready to call my family doctor to find out if he can see me this morning.

  9. I think dyeing wool is habit forming. I can spend hours and hours do it.
    Lovely photos. Have a wonderful weekend. So glad it is Friday!

  10. Hi Lauren...pretty wool colors and a lovely new are so productive...I have enjoyed viewing all the wonderful rugs you from the hook in...I need to dust my hook off ! Great photo of the Heron!! Have a good weekend, Julie...


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