Sunday, February 1, 2015

Three Hearts Down ~

. . . one to go.

Two of the hearts do not have the patchwork back.  I've just had a serious motivation problem finishing these.  I've stuffed them with snippets and a lavender sachet.
The rug they are sitting on was not hooked by me.  It is a good-sized rug that I purchased on eBay maybe eight years ago.  It is hooked very low but very even, not an import and I think I paid $25 for it.  That wouldn't even cover the cost of the wool.  There is no label.  (Labeling rugs is on my "list".) 

The last heart I have to finish.  This is how I lay the wool before I start to trim.

We are in the midst of a snowstorm.  I wouldn't mind snow so much if it snowed when it was 70* :)  Wait . . . this is what my phone shows and yesterday it was 88* . . . lol.  Wishful thinking, but then everyone would complain that it's too hot.
Around the yard ~

Today would have been my mom's 95th birthday.  Love you, miss you, mom.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


    The wool layout for trimming. Is that
    for the back of the hooked hearts or
    the wool hearts?

  2. I was going to ask you about that rug under so thanks for answering before I asked. Looks like your 'smart' phone had brain explosion.

    Have a great evening.

  3. I wondered how you did the patch work that's for showing that. We will get that snow tomorrow. Yeck we have had enough

  4. Hi Lauren, that's a lot of snow. Love your hearts and the core rug, beautiful. Keep Cozy Francine.

  5. Love your outdoor items, hate what's on them.

  6. Your hearts are beautiful and I still cherish the one you sent me. Such a nice gift... They feel luxurious.

    We have so much snow and nowhere to put it and another storm on the way. I hope all is clear for flying because I'm taking off on my broom on Saturday for 10 days. I can't believe, 10 days of no calves, that's 20 feeding I'll skip....

    Pretty snow sculpture in the garden. I'll take snow over singing mosquitoes.

    Stay nice and toasty.

  7. Hey Lauren, I have been admiring all of your lovely hooking projects, your little hearts are perfect for Valentines Day...Our yards appear quite similar, lots of white fluffy snow...In my neck of the woods we have another ten inches predicted for tomorrow...All we can do is take it in stride...Spring will not forget us...I hope...Have a lovely week, Julie...

  8. Wonderful hearts, I need to make a couple to put in my wreath. We are getting the storm late night and tomorrow.


  9. Hi Lauren...I just LoVe the hooked hearts! Not that I LoVe the's just that it does make a statement in the yard over all your awesome fixtures out there. We got dumped on through the night. Lots of drifts out in the yard. DH is out there now on the snow blower making tracks for company and clearing lane ways for farmers. He loves this time of year..... Men and their " toys"
    Have a great day ...hugs Marg.

  10. Love your hearts! I would love to see snow again...for about one day. We are in our "geranium season"...they are everywhere!
    Have a great week,

  11. Love those hearts! I have to say I wouldn't mind the snow so much if it had been so warm the day before. Although that really is crazy! lol! I want warm weather....

  12. Finish that one poor little heart!!! Maybe you have by now :) They are really cute. Love the patchwork backing and the little heart applique. We usually get some pretty good snow here in Lawrence, KS, but not much (yet) this year. I love your snow photos. I love how snow turns everything into sculpture. Stay warm

  13. I always like when you make your hearts. What lovely fluffy snow.
    It looks so pretty in your back yard.
    I hope you have a lovely week.

  14. Sure envy you all that beautiful snow! Now that I see your hearts, I kinda wish I'd done the back of mine in a similar way - sigh - LOL

  15. Your bottle tree looks so great with a little snow on it. Happy February ;)

  16. Beautiful heart pillows!
    I love your bottle tree, adds so much color to your snowy garden!!!
    Stay safe and warm!


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