Sunday, January 25, 2015

Two Down ~ Four to Go ~


Even though these mats are small, to have them already bound is quite an accomplishment.  Of course, labels have not been made :(

Blog friends are the best.  I have been remiss in showing what sweet Melinda sent me for Christmas.  She is SO talented.  She is an amazing quilter, stitcher, and hooker to name a few.  This stocking was pieced together using many different stitches.  It was perfect hanging on an antique cupboard door.
I can't wait to hook with this antique paisley.  It gives a hooked piece such a wonderful, old look.

Her house is amazing, too, and is included in Judy Condon's newest book "Simply Country Homes and Gardens".  Way to go, Melinda.  Thank you so much!  I am blessed to call her friend. 
Have you seen this movie?  I took Grandson Jake to see it.  It is absolutely delightful.  I may have enjoyed it more than he did.
Another weekend is almost over, but the good thing about Sunday ~ date night with my sweetie.  We are a wild and crazy pair.  "Date night" is our weekly trek to Five Guys . . . lol.  We never tire of that place.

Thank you so much for stopping by. 
Pug hugs :)


  1. Wonderful pieces and i can't wait to see how it looks. I do have a piece that i am saving for a special project.


  2. Hi Lauren,
    Love your hooked mats, especially the heart!!! That stocking is wonderful too, especially gifted from a special friend!! Love the paisley and know you will have fun with that!! Have seen previews of Paddington and it looks like fun!! I'm sure I will be seeing it with Bella and Sophia sometime soon!!
    Enjoy your date night!! That sounds pretty yummy!!
    Warm Hugs~

  3. Hi Lauren,
    Love your hooked mats, especially the heart!!! That stocking is wonderful too, especially gifted from a special friend!! Love the paisley and know you will have fun with that!! Have seen previews of Paddington and it looks like fun!! I'm sure I will be seeing it with Bella and Sophia sometime soon!!
    Enjoy your date night!! That sounds pretty yummy!!
    Warm Hugs~

  4. PAISLEY? Wow - that'll be fun to add to one of your rugs, huh? I've discovered that I like Smashburgers even more than Five Guys - do you have one in your area? YUM!

  5. Hi Lauren, your hooked mats are so sweet, love them. I want to go see the movie, heard it is delightful. Blessings Francine.

  6. 2 done - good for you!! Enjoy date night. A storms a coming later this week. Maybe if I get snowed in I will finish something

  7. Very pretty Lauren!
    I have not seen the movie yet.
    Have a great week ( with no snow)!
    Earlene...oh and love 5 Guys burgers and fries

  8. Good for you for binding those two rugs so quickly.
    You must be on a roll.
    That movie sound very nice. So now you go to movies with a younger man. Does he say " My granny is a hooker" and she whipped and bounded two rugs? lol. Can you tell I'm celebrating Robbie Burns Day with a glass of Valpolicella.

    Love the Christmas stocking and the antique paisley.


  9. you are a rug hooking marvel! I have been reading and other things I need to get to it.

  10. I love your rugs and date night sounds so nice. Our favorite place is the tractor supply store. :)
    I bet that movie was wonderful. I need to take my grands to see it as I always loved Paddington Bear.
    I hope you have a wonderful week next week.

  11. Hi Lauren...I just LoVe the hooked heart rug! Gorgeous! As is everything you put your hands to! The movie sounds like a fun day out with the kids! Enjoy date night!
    You lucky lady! Have a great week Lauren.
    Hugs Marg:)

  12. Good for you for the two down. I like both of the ones you finished. Yesterday I tried to post a comment from my iPad but try as it may to send, the comment just wouldn't go thru and didn't show up. Sorry to be so late in commenting.

  13. Five Guys is about as wild as we get too and it's still a step up from McDonald's!

  14. You have been busy! Your mats are great...especially the sweet little heart. Can't wait to see that movie!

  15. Great job! The movie looks very cute & fun! Enjoy Your Day. ~My Best, Kimberly


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