Monday, October 13, 2014

Fall Harvest Among the Flowers ~

Yesterday was an absolutely perfect day for an outdoor show.  I was a vendor at one hosted by Lil Raggedy Angie at her mom's home.  I did not do as well as I had hoped, but I did buy this sweet concrete house for my garden . . .

. . . a couple Christmas gifts, and I came home with a few coins in my pocket. 
Her mom has the most wonderful old Victorian home.
She most graciously said I could share her yard with you.  Thank you Myra.  Everywhere you turned there was something fun.
Gazebo made from an old corn crib.
The back of the house.

Wonderful garden angel made from an old shutter.


Garden sculptures made from old implements.

I think this longhorn steer was my favorite thing . . . made from an old gas can . . .

. . . with a shovel face.

More angels.

A true "bottle tree".

This old willow trunk was probably the largest I've seen outside of the redwood forest in California.

Isn't she FUN?  Love the boobs.

Here is the hostess with the mostest.  It was such a pleasure to meet her! 
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. It looks like such a beautiful place! Sorry you didn't do as well as you would have liked. Love that house you brought home though.

  2. What a creative lady, I love the corn crib gazebo, a unique idea. Sweet little house you are coming home with, is it heavy? It will look so sweet in your garden...Well, look on the bright side at least you came home with change in your pocket!

  3. That is awesome. I would love all of those things in my garden. I love that shutter angel and that long horn steer.
    I wish I was creative like that, I have so much old junk lying around. I am glad you did okay. It looks like fun.

  4. I love your little house. It looks heavy and sturdy and will be perfect in your garden.
    Wow, this lady is creative. I always get rid of lots of junk and some people create neat things out of them.

    There was so much to look at that the customers were't buying but you'll have other chances, Your creations are really cute.
    Have a great week.

  5. I love the creative ideas! I love that house made of cement!

  6. Awesome garden! I love all the whimsy; what a cheerful refuge.

  7. What a wonderful home and love her gardens and outdoor decorations.


  8. It was such an honor to have you as a vendor Lauren and to finally meet you in person... Only wish it had been a better buying crowd, but sadly with it being a first time event it was a gamble ...I learned a lot and will make changes should we have another...your wares made me weak in the knees just gorgeous and hope we can get together again and just and hugs lil raggedy

  9. Morning Lauren, I love your new birdhouse, beautiful... What a gorgous home, the gardens are great with all the old treasures.thanks for sharing,Francine.

  10. What a great garden. Goodness, was that a door on the second floor with no steps or guard rail? EEK.


  11. Love the concrete house but wish the show had been better for you. Oh my that gazebo is making me want to find an old corn crib for my yard!

  12. The gardens and art are so wonderful.Thanks for the tour. Warm Blessings!~Amy

  13. Hi, Lauren, love your little house, is it hypertufa? A gal here who owns makes these too. I can't wait to see where you put it! What a lovely Victorian home.

  14. Ahhhh....I heard through the grapevine that someone very special was making an appearance there....and it only redoubled my desire to be able to go. Rats....why does Ohio have to be so far from Nod? Missy Myra has some creative madness going on there for sure....I begged her to come to Nod this summer and help me with just my wee little pool area, but she didn't take me up on it. And, gee....she isn't even afraid of snakes. ;o) Love your house.... I spied those in one of the photos on Angie's page, but quickly dismissed the thought of having one....I can only imagine shipping on something like that. Looking forward to catching up with you....and, oh...I want to commission you to do another necklace for me....I just gotta figure out what I want it to say..... Happy Tuesday My (Evil) Twin. Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  15. Wow how wonderful.
    I love her home and what fantastic pieces.
    I love Angie.
    Woolie Blessings :)

  16. I love your little house!! She has created such wonderful thing for her garden! Thank you for sharing it!

  17. Love the cement house you got! What an awesome place to have a sale, the yards have something see everywhere. Lucky you to have been there. Gorgeous!
    Hugs Marg

  18. What a great old home !
    Thanks for the tour ;)

  19. Wonderful garden stuff!!! Love your little house, too!


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