Saturday, October 4, 2014

Lakehenge ~

Aren't these fun?  They are on a walking path along a rocky shore of Lake Erie at Lakeside, OH.  I was told it was a project that anyone could contribute to. 

Oh, it is a chilly one in northern, Ohio, today but I don't think we're alone.  Actually it is just C-O-L-D.  I am so not ready for this.  I have a turtleneck on for the first time this season.  Have I mentioned I'm not ready for this?  Hopefully it will be a bit more pleasant tomorrow so that I can head to the Harvest of Antiques & Crafts in Birmingham.  I wimped out today.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I wish I was there it looks so pretty. It's still hot in California

  2. I love how those rocks are so well balanced. They look like sculptures. It must be fun to see these up-close.

    It's misting today and damp. I can't complain because the ground was dry. We got all the hay in the new tarp barn just in time before it started raining lightly.

    Now my front lawn is covered with a blanket of yellow leaves.

    I'm wearing a turtle neck too to keep me toasty warm. Have fun tomorrow at the Harvest of Antiques & Craft.

  3. Lauren...No turtleneck yet for me...but...I did have to dig out my socks!!!! Hugs, Julie...

  4. Totally, totally would trade. 97 today!!! I think you must really be part Californian. :) I would love some cold weather like that. I love all of those lovely rocks. What fun!
    It is really beautiful there. My husband thought that seagull rock was really a seagull. :) I hope you can stay warm

  5. Lauren, I'm not ready for it either and the temps are going to DROP tonight. I'll fight turning on my heat until I am still cold with a turtleneck, sweat shirt and sweat pants.


  6. A lot of people are stacking rocks in all different areas, love the rock art.


  7. the rocks look great we see them on hiking trails here.
    we are cold and rainy here so a home made soup did the trick.

  8. First day of long levees weather down here in GA. I am ready for hot and humid to pack up and leave.

  9. We braved the cold, sleet and rain and went to an antique show about 70 miles north of us...were we crazy..or what??? I just hope we don't get sick! Those stones are really cool....have a great day tomorrow antiqueing!!

  10. LOL!!! Yes it is cold and I hate it..

  11. Cold here, too, this weekend. Drizzle yesterday. ugh. Those rocks are fun...thanks for sharing! Have a good day!

  12. These are neat-o! I like how the one (with the pink flowers) looks like a duck! :-) Cold (42) here this morning and loving it!

  13. The stacked rocks are interesting.we had the cold wet weather too, with hail that covered the deck and more again at night! Really! So not ready for furnace on yet.

  14. Morning, love the stacked rocks, adds to the scenery. Happy Sunday, Francine.

  15. Hi Lauren,
    What a clever idea for someone to start and so much easier to lift those rocks than the original Stonehenge!
    The lake looks so pretty too......makes me miss my time living in MI and OH!!! Wish I could send you some of my HOT weather from CA and get some of your cool weather.....100 here today!! Sizzle!!!
    Loved seeing all those amazing rugs too....beautiful!!!
    Warm Hugs~

  16. I hope you do go to the Harvest of Antiques and Crafts so we can see photos! I love looking at pictures of the Lakes. I have only seen one of the Great Lakes. It was when I flew in and out of Chicago. SO PRETTY, SO BIG!
    Aw, the pug in your header is very pugalicious!

  17. I haven't worn a turtle neck in years! Not since I started having hot flashes. We have several areas of the stacked rocks in our local river. People usually add to them or add another one till they get washed away then they start over.

  18. Beautiful Lauren!!!!
    I am freezing today, I'm not ready either friend!


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