Tuesday, October 21, 2014

A Fine Mess ~

The hooking room started like this.

I've piled it on a table to sort through.  A big problem is trying to decide what color is the wool.  Is it green, blue, somewhere in between?  Brown?  Black?  Dark?  Do you have trouble deciding?  All the pieces are different sizes.  Folding them uniformly is a real issue, too.  

I am not good about washing wool as soon as I bring it home.  (New wool, not recycled.)  Sometimes I even have trouble trying to figure if I've already washed it.  I find the "sniff test" (the scent of Downy) works best, but sometimes I am still not sure.  I have more in another cupboard that has yet to be washed.
Here's the start of my wool organization.  Trouble is, I am going to run out of space long before I run out of wool to be folded.  Such a terrible problem to have . . . wink, wink.

After my wool is finally organized, I may not want to start a new project for fear of messing all my neat piles . . . lol.  We hookers (well, most of us anyhow) know it's almost impossible to keep a neat work area. 
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. It looks great Lauren...yes...it will get messed up again...but at least it's organized and you can just stick the colors back where they belong..the hardest part is knowing where to begin..now go have a nice glass of wine!! You did good!

  2. it looks great.....I love how wool looks all put together in color piles....I don't have as much wool as you have so that is not a problem for me...doesn't it feel good to have it done.........

  3. I now have wool envy. Love all your beautiful colors and big pieces. It is fun just to fondle and look at wool.

  4. Looks wonderful and sometimes my colors do run in double shades, so I try and match it by putting it against a true color.


  5. Wool envy! Yes! I've got it too! Looks so pretty on the shelves arranged like that!

  6. Yes it will get messed up again but isn't it fun sorting all the lovely wool?! I love how it looks in your wonderful cupboards!

  7. It looks great Lauren. Oh I get organized and the first rug looks like a hurricane came through and where I hook has wool everywhere.

  8. Wow Lauren, I'm so impressed on how beautiful it looks after you sorted and folded the wool. The before and after really makes a point. I love the decorations on top of each cupbords.

    It will be easier to decide your colors when it come to hooking. It wouldn't hurt to just sit and stare at all that eye candy for a while.

    Have a great week.

  9. WOW!! What a nice job you do! Yep, it would be hard for me to want to hook with a clean and neat shelf. I do much better with piles. Like they are right now. :)
    I think it looks wonderful. Such lovely piles of wool you have Lauren. I was trying not to drool on my keyboard. Funny how that happens when you become a hooker. :) Drooling over piles of wool. Have a lovely day.

  10. Ohmigod, you're not a horder, are you?

  11. Wow what a beautiful lot of woolie heaven.
    Woolie HUGS

  12. You did such a good job of organizing, can I hire you to organize mine now? FYI, a hooker's wool stash NEVER stays organized for long. Mine is still messed up after going to my last rug camp.


  13. I'm drooling over your wools. Gorgeous! I always have trouble categorizing colors. Now can I roll around in your stash? lol!

  14. Evening Lauren, love it, looks wonderful with all the wool. Blessings Francine.

  15. It's looking great. Keep up the good work. I used baskets for my wool. I rolled up the bundles and wraped with a wool worm and presto!

  16. You've inspired me to organize my fabrics. Luscious colors in the last photo and pretty neat looking too.

  17. Looks great! Beautiful selection of wool.....and always room for more. It is a sickness, isn't it :-)

  18. Don't tell me about having to keep it all organized yet since I took my first hooking class week and I can think about is acquiring more and more wool for my stash. I have hit all the local thrift stores and bought 30 or so 100% wool skirts. All I have really accomplished is getting it all washed so far.

  19. This looks like a WONDERFUL mess to be in !!
    I just rearranged my wool hutches also...must be the cooler weather !

  20. Oh My Gosh girl!! Your room looks great (now)!! You are always the one to get me moving when it comes to straightening things up.....I don't think you've done a LIST in a while. My room is a fright!! You're putting me in motion....I MUST clean it this weekend!!

  21. You did a good job. I was so excited and proud to finally have a dedicated little hooking room. Sadly it's a disaster of epic wool proportions!

  22. It sure doesn't take long to create a mess does it?!


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