Tuesday, October 28, 2014

8 Cut ~


I am still working on the hooking room.  It seems to be taking forever, but I am getting there.  I hope to share pictures soon.
It's amazing what you find when you open lidded baskets for the first time in years.  I found this punch needle piece done a few years ago.
And in another basket . . does anyone remember making these rabbits out of that paper you had to unroll - sort of like a crepe paper?  The name of it escapes me now.  I bet this was made 25+ years ago and is very faded.  I haven't a clue what to do with her, but don't have the heart to get rid of it.  {{Yes, I do have a problem.}}
I'd like to finish hooking Santa's face this evening.  I have drawn up two patterns on linen (in addition to the many already on linen) and hope to start a new project soon.  So many rugs, so little time.
I purchased this precut wool in an 8 cut many years ago on eBay from Joni Black of Fully Wooly.  It is 170 strips of what she called "Sun Kissed Fields".  They colors are wonderful but I don't enjoy hooking with such a fine cut . . . lol.  If you do, leave a comment on this post or drop me an email with give-away in the title.  I will choose a winner Thursday.  I have but one rule ~ you must contact me within 3 days or I will choose another.  I may even add a little something extra :)

Perfect colors for fall
 Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I do the same thing, pack it away and forget it till I find it. LoL... I just wanted to say Hi! Don't enter me in this one. Good luck to some lucky hooker. Warm Blessings! Amy

  2. It is fun going through things and finding old/new things, lol. I love 8 cut and would love a chance to win, so I will get an email out.


  3. LOL ,the largest my cutter will cut is an 8, so i have never hooked with anything larger. Thanks for thinking about your readers. would love a chance at the wool!

  4. Those are fun colors! I hook with most anything. :-) Cleaning things that have been packed is like Christmas!

  5. I love the colors of the wool and have only ever hooked with an 8 cut. Would love to win!

  6. I remember those paper dollies made like corn husk dolls. I made a few myself but never made a bunny, she's cute.
    I would love to win that yummy wool. Thanks for the chance!

  7. That is gorgeous and you call #8 a fine cute, lol...
    You would go banana if you tried hooking in my favorite #5. I love the colors but I hope that someone who hook with #8 will have a chance at winning this generous give away.

    I still haven't dyed my wool since we had two nice sunny days in a row and I've been working outside.

    I'm so anxious to see your wool room organized.

  8. I'm tired... I mean a fine cut, lol. Oh Lordy...

  9. oh lauren, i would love to be the winner!!

  10. The minute I saw that beautiful wool I thought of sunflowers. Love that rooster...Can't wait to see your well organized craft room!!

  11. 8 cut is my favorite and I love the colors!

  12. Those colors are yummy and 8 cut is right there, thanks for the chance to win

  13. I had a set of those rabbits. Loved them. This darn google is nutty. If this is published twice sorry. Love to have the wool so hubby could hook me something pretty. SANDI.

  14. I've only used an #8 cut when hooking so would love to win these beautiful wools.

  15. I do have the same problem..have quilt a stack of hooked but not bound, rugs, and have been taking quilts to a machine quilter, a few at a time, to get done...
    Would love to win those wool strips!

  16. I love going through closets, cabinets and drawers and coming across a find ! It is very hard to let go of some items - even when I know I'm not going to ever use them !

  17. LOL about the "fine" cut of the #8. I would love to be entered into your giveaway.
    Am anxious to see your room when you are done. Hoping to pick up a few hints on how to handle mine.
    Thanks for sharing.

  18. that was paper ribbon and I have a thanksgiving pilgrim set that I can't throw away.
    you are too much an 8 is to small? I am working with an 8 right now and at the hook in they all thought it was to large. it is prospective I guess. don't put me in I have more wool than I will ever hook in my life time.

  19. Is Mr Rooster up for consideration??

  20. It's funny what you find in an old cupboard!! I happen to like an 8 cut...good for all the detail work.....I hook with gals on Wednesday who hook with a 6 cut...UGH...now that's skinnyl!!

  21. Oh please add my name to be drawn. If I won it might get me motivated to sit and hook again after a years absence. Lol
    Wonderful giveaway !

  22. Looking forward to seeing your wool room finished.
    Don't enter me on this give away.
    Some day soon I want to get back to hooking but I have so much going on that it will have to wait. When I do get back to rug hooking I have lots and lots of wool to work with.

  23. Yes, please enter me in your giveaway! Being a newbie hooker one of my biggest frustrations is in not having a large enough wool stash. Winning this would make me a happy camper!

  24. So what cut of wool do you like to use? I'm curious. I thought an 8 cut was pretty wide? I have a blogging friend who sometimes uses 4 cuts, which seems super narrow. I don't hook, so please don't enter me -- hope I'm not messing you up by commenting. But I totally get what you are saying about finding things when you look in places you haven't looked in for a long time. lol! I do that too! Love that punch needle!

  25. WOW 8 cut is too fine - Lauren seriously ?????? I have never tried 8 cut - don't have a cartridge for 8 cut or even 7 cut LOL but yes it is pretty colors and since I am the somewhat adventurous type - I'd like to have a chance to win your wonderful giveaway. Guess I shouldn't have given away that Hartman hook but if I win - I can get another one LOL ! Mel

  26. Good luck on cleaning your craft room. I have the same problems - too much stuff, too many hidden supplies, too many patterns, never enough time.

    Your bunny will look nice put out come next spring! She's cute.

  27. Beautiful coloured wool, pretty...I adore the Rooster rug, very sweet.. Happy crafting cleaning, Francine.

  28. I love your punch needle and your bunny is very cool. So is that wool.
    Isn't it funny the things you run across? Have a lovely day.

  29. Love your needle punch piece. Wow, you know you have more wool than you need when you start giving away some. Actually, like you I like larger cuts now too. Back in the day everyone thought #8 was a wide cut but my favorite cut of choice now is #8.5 and #9.

    Good luck to the winner. (Lauren, DON'T put me on the list)


  30. Love the colors! Thanks for the giveaway.

  31. I'm sure I have great projects hiding in covered baskets too Lauren - skinny little 8 cuts huh? Funny!


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