Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Lakeside Rugs ~

I have many rugs, completed and in process to share with you ~ so many I'll break it in to two posts.  For the most part I won't even try to identify the hooker because I know I will mess a few of them up.

Friend Sheila's rug.  The second picture shows the color much better though I'm sure she'll hate me for posting her picture :)  She hooked the entire rug there except for two rows of the red/orange.  She was trying to decide whether to add a border.  The rug is a pattern by Humble Rugs and had "kindly welcome" in the brown area, but since it is going in her powder room, she decided to omit the lettering :)

The sweetest little footstool I've ever seen.

Hooked in a 3 cut!!!

Isn't this just the sweetest rug?

Another rug being hooked from a photo in a 3 cut.  Absolutely stunning.

The colors on this log cabin rug are much richer in person and included some sparkly wool.  It's making me re-think sparkly wool since I never thought I'd hook with it.

Two more rugs being hooked in a very fine cut.

There was SO MUCH talent in this great bunch of hookers.  I am just in awe.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Lots of rugs!! Really nice! Didn't know Sheila was such a fast hooker!! Looks like lots of fun in Lakeside!

  2. I agree, a lot of talented hookers, enjoyed seeing them and very inspirational.


  3. Great rugs!! Oh my the talent! Thank you Lauren for sharing these photos!
    Cathy G

  4. Every single one of them is simply gorgeous!

  5. True masterpieces.
    I too am in awe.
    Thank you for sharing.
    Woolie hugs

  6. Beautiful. Loving the pumpkins especially...I so need to learn. Warm Blessings! Amy

  7. It is always so inspiring to see what others are working on. All great for sure.

  8. So many beautiful rugs, talented ladies.Blessings Francine.

  9. Thanks so much Lauren for sharing these beautiful pictures. I'm in need of inspiration to start hooking again. Lots of talent in that group. What beautiful workmanship...
    I'm looking forward to the nest post.

  10. I see several patterns I'd love to hook, mainly the wide cut and Deanne's design. But I'm in awe of how the reflection in the window panes of that narrow cut look so real. OMG!!!!!!!!! But I did #3 cut on my Rottweiler Memorial and no more narrow cuts for me.


  11. Lauren,
    Thanks for sharing these rugs. Like Saundra, there are some that I would love to hook but not until I rehome the stack sitting in the "for sale" book.

  12. What fun you ladies had!!
    Thanks for sharing all those great rugs!

  13. What beautiful rugs! It always inspires me when you post pictures of rugs!


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