Tuesday, July 29, 2014

That's ME You Hear Screaming!!!

I am having email problems.  I spent over an hour and a half on the phone last night with my ISP and the problem wasn't fixed.  I was told it would take one to two days for them to fix and get back with me.  Shortly thereafter, it was working.  Yippee.  I was able to log on from work today.  Double yippee.  It is down again.  (Insert bad words here.)
Chicago was great fun.  Jake was so excited to visit his cousins Alexis, 8 and Sophia who is almost 11.  They are my grand nieces.  Isn't this the coolest street sign?  The area of Chicago they live in is called Ravenswood Gardens (aka Lincoln Square). 
Every time I visit there, I am amazed at how different it is than living in Podunk, Ohio.  Their neighborhood is so busy with foot traffic and people on bicycles.  Every one seems to know everyone else.  
The first day the kids decided to have a lemonade stand to capitalize on the neighbor's garage sale.  Their mom posted it on the neighborhood Facebook page and so many neighbors came.  It was a very successful sale and they sold out of lemonade.
Friday evening we walked a couple blocks to a small park where a band was playing.  The cousins had fun on the playground and climbing trees.
Kissin' cousins

Niece Elise, hubby Michael, older daughter Sophia and DSO Fritz
Saturday we took a ride on the El.  

Our destination.

Time was spent playing in the fountain.


Then it was time for the Bean.  I LOVE the Bean. 


A selfie in the Bean.

Cooling our tootsies in icy cold water before heading back to the house for grilled salmon.

Saying goodbye . . . until next time :)

My niece sent me some more pictures, but guess what?  They are in an email I can't retrieve.  (Bad words, bad words, bad words.)
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. How fun it all looks....so glad you and your lil' redheaded boy had a great time!

  2. Looks like a really fun trip Lauren! Lots of nice pictures. I enjoyed looking at them. Hugs, Lori

  3. Lauren it looks like a special funfilled day!!!!

  4. Sounds - and looks! - like you had a great time! Sorry about your ISP problems...hope it all gets resolved soon!

  5. Wow! Looks like you all had such a great time in Chi town.

  6. What a great time! Your little grandson looks like he had a blast! sorry to hear about your email isse....that is soooo frustrating!

  7. What a great trip, everyone looks like that were having so much fun!

  8. Looks and sounds like everyone had a great time. Am looking forward to the other pictures when you are able to retrieve them.


  9. What a nice visit you all had. Jake will remember this visit I'm sure.
    I hope that your email troubles will be fixed and that you can retrieve those photos.

  10. Looks like a great time! I hear you on the computer problems. I couldn't get on the internet for a few days. Drives me crazy!

  11. What a fun trip! So sorry that you are having email problems. It happens to me too. I have no idea either. I can't wait to see more pictures. I love that bean too.

  12. Oh wow Lauren you all had such a wonderful time in Chicago...I always think of Chicago as 'downtown' and busy, not a friendly neighborhood. lol
    Wonderful photos!

  13. What a fun trip!!! Love seeing everyone lined up dipping their feet in the water. :)

  14. Hi Lauren,
    Having email problems here too... what the heck?!! Bad words is right! LOL! The look on Jake's face in the last photo of him is so cute!! He must have had a hard time parting with all the fun you two were having! What a great place it must be to visit!! And you had the perfect weather!
    Cathy G

  15. Thank you for sharing your trip!
    Looks like everyone had a great time.

  16. Jake didn't seem so happy at the end about going home..LoL.. Sweet memories being made.Seeing the cousins was always so fun when you lived far away. Whenever we have net problems I'm told it's just mine but then amazingly it gets fixed shortly after. Warm Blessings!~Amy


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