Sunday, July 6, 2014

Sissy Sailing ~

What a glorious holiday weekend it has been.  Time spent with family and friends, time in the garden, time for hooking.  Life is good :)
DSO lives in what was formerly The American Ship Building Company.  The channel in front of his unit was a dry dock where 1000' ore carriers were built.  A friend drove up in his amphi-car to say hi.  Since the car doesn't have cleats to tie it to the dock, foot power is used to keep it from floating away.  It sure does garner a lot of attention.
Just down the river is the Charles Berry Bascule Bridge, the second largest bascule bridge (aka drawbridge) in the world.  It was raised to let a sailboat pass under.  What a beautiful sight.

We had a wonderful view of the fireworks from DSO's dock.
Today we went sailing with my brother Bill ~ sissy sailing, as he calls it.  It was quite windy on Lake Erie, so he only put up the Genoa sail, also known as the jib.  When he sails without the main sail, he calls that "sissy sailing", but we were still sailing about 8 knots (roughly a little over 9 mph).  That's a good clip in a sail boat.  Here we are leaving the harbor, heading out to open water past the Lorain Lighthouse, known as the Jewel of the Port.
The lighthouse is a work in progress.  Note the scaffolding.

"Skipper" brother Bill

Weekends pass much too quickly, even long ones.  Back to work tomorrow . . . sigh.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. What a wonderful weekend you had! looks like great weather. That car is cool we saw one on the lake here. why don't they make cool things like that now.
    So glad you had such a great time.

  2. This looks like a beautiful place to have a vacation, looks like you had some fun adventures.


  3. What a great weekend. I love being near the water and there isn't much better than a day on a sailboat

  4. Sounds like a splendid weekend. When we lived in Wichita, Ks someone had an amphi-car and would ride up the river during Riverfest; very cool!

  5. Sounds like you had an amazingly fun weekend!
    Thanks for sharing the pictures of the boats and the water. Doesn't get much better than that!

  6. What an awesome weekend, I LOVE the water!

  7. Looks like fun and I can smell the water in the breeze. Yes, even tho a long weekend it does go by all too fast for the working folk.


  8. Sissy sailing at 9mph on Erie? Not sissy to me!! What a great lighthouse. Glad you had such a perfect weekend.

  9. Sounds like a great weekend on the water.

  10. That car is neat. I love the water so would love living next to a dock.Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend. I thought of you Saturday I got to pick through part of a lady's vintage christmas stuff. She had a room packed floor to ceiling and the attic full. Needless to say I have to go back but she had anything you could imagine not saying I could afford it but it was there if you wanted it.LoL.Warm Blessings! Amy

  11. What a fun weekend! I love that car and what a fun place to live and then to have water like that to go sailing.
    It must be so peaceful.
    I love the lighthouse.

  12. Aww, you live the good life. What a fun weekend.

    We are still without power from the beating we got fro hurricane Arthur.



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