Thursday, June 19, 2014

They're Baaaack ~

It's that time of year again on the shores of Lake Erie.  Mayflies, aka Canadian soldiers, are hatching from the bottom of the lake.  They are harmless creatures that do not bite, eat or poop ~ basically they just are an annoyance ~ but I have this irrational fear of them.  So far they are not as plentiful as in years past and I hope it stays that way.  They say that their population is directly tied to the health of the lake, so more is better ~ but not for me.
Tomorrow I am heading off to play for a couple of days.  I am taking a trip to Zoar, OH, a German Separatist community founded in 1817, (you can read more about it here) to meet up with longtime friend Wink, stay a wonderful B & B, antique and just enjoy the friendship of 40+ years. 
I think I posted a picture a few months ago of this bench I found on Facebook.
Well, my bench that I picked off a neighbor's trash pile a few years ago, isn't nearly as wonderful.
Nonetheless, I decided to give it a try.  DSO helped modify it and shore it up a little since it was even more rotted than I realized.  It was filling in nicely.
Well, the other night I had some unwelcome visitors by the name of Bambi.  They decided to munch on the sweet potato vine, and also some geraniums and pansies.  {{Stop on over to Acorn Hollow and see what they did to her hostas.  GGRRRRR}}
I just finished the binding on my little mat, a freebie design by Kankerdoodle
Well, I better go think about throwing a few things in an overnight bag so I can head out bright and early tomorrow morning.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Love the idea of your flower bench. (Sorry the deer did also !) Hope you have a grand time away !

  2. Oh a fun weekend ahead for you they are the best. I love your bench. If that deer doesn't stay out of my garden we will be having deer steaks on the grill mmmm I think they will taste like flowers. JK (I think)

  3. Lovely flower bench! It looks great. Enjoy your weekend get away. Nice work on the freebie mat.

  4. I love your bench.
    What a great idea.
    Have a wonderful time with your friend.
    Woolie Hugs

  5. Enjoy your weekend. If a Mayfly doesn't appear in May, and it doesn't eat, what is it for? My deer have never touched my SPV or hostas, only my hydrangeas. I guess they're picky! I think your bench is fabulous. My outside wood pieces have metal straps holding it all together. Have fun!

  6. The Mayflys don't bother me at all; some people just don't like bugs of any type. Must admit that I don't like wasps, hornets or certain spiders.

    Have fun, I know you will, and share all your new goodies you purchase. Oh, great new mat finish!


  7. Oh oh, don't like those bugs!!!! But love your benches with the flowers, beautiful as is your rug, Blessings Francine.

  8. Have a lovely trip. I think it sounds so nice.
    I like your bench. I never find anythings in trash piles except trash. :)
    We get those tiny little Mayflies too, I wonder where ours come from since we don't have water around here. I never knew that. Have a lovely time.

  9. Zoar is a great little town.. I hope you have a wonderful visit.

    I grew up in Iowa on the Mississippi river and we called them fish flies. They would be so thick you had to use your windshield wipers on the car. Hated them...

  10. Here in Michigan, we call them fish flies and there is festival this weekend named after them. Woke up Sunday morning and all the windows were with covered those nasty bugs.Love the bench!

  11. We have mayflies here by the Chesapeake Bay too. Ours are prolific this year. We also have an overabundance of dragonflies this year. As far as deer, try planting lily of the valley. Here in Maryland it works. The deer do not like the scent of the crushed leaves and will avoid areas that have it planted.

  12. Great idea for the bench and looks lovely! We have those bugs also we call call them shad flies and I'm not fond of them at all :)


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