Thursday, June 12, 2014


Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday ~ and payday.  Life is good :)
I started What Nots, a Woolley Fox pattern, at the Heavens to Betsy retreat at Shaker Village back in July of '12.  I have finally decided it's time to finish it. 

The only thing left to do is add my border.  I am going to hook one row using the wool below and then an additional three rows of black.  But before I can start on that, I need to finish (well actually start) a gift - or three :)

Last Saturday when I went in search of vintage flatware, I stumbled upon an estate sale.  It was a huge Victorian house full of antiques - all very Victorian which is not my style - and most very pricey.  This is one of my purchases.  (I also bought a soapstone bedwarmer and some clothespins.)  I'm not sure what kind of record it is.  I think it may be Dutch.  The cursive, though I can not read it, is true penmanship.  The frame is beautiful  It is dated 9-4-1878, New Castle, PA.  DSO has a friend originally from Holland and I will see if he can translate if indeed it is Dutch.

This antique sampler also made its way home with me.  It is small, only about 8 1/2" x 9".  Not signed or dated, but was guestimated to be early 19th century.  I'm not wild about the frame . . .

. . . but is has been in this frame for quite some time.

I want to go pull a few loops, and if I don't off this machine, it is not going to happen.  Oh, how this thing sucks me in ~ and I still don't peruse pinterest.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Your whatnots rug is beautiful! The wool you chose for the border looks perfect too! I've been plunking a few words of that dutch paper into google translate and the best I can come up with is it's a certificate of Baptism?

  2. Your whatnots rug is beautiful! The wool you chose for the border looks perfect too! I've been plunking a few words of that dutch paper into google translate and the best I can come up with is it's a certificate of Baptism? Looking forward to hearing what your friends says it is...

  3. I love your rug such great colors! I love your finds too. that sampler is just great!

  4. Beautiful rug Lauren, great colors...Great sampler too, always love them, look so wonderful hung up. Happy Friday, Francine.

  5. Your rug looks great and oh so close to being finished. That is yet another design on my 'to do' list and the list seems to be getting longer each time I see something someone else has hooked.

    Congrats on your antique finds, happy pay day and Friday 13th too..


  6. I love that wool color you chose for the border line. It's a perfect choice to set the border beautifully.It will look spectacular. Great job on that rug. I'm glad that you came upon this sampler. I may be old but I'm not a Victorian person either.

    Now how Sharon could make out the words well enough to google them is amazing.

    Good luck in translating it. I hope that you'll share the results.
    Have a great weekend. Hugs,

  7. I am NOT going near Pinterest !!!!! WOW how cool you got an antique sampler at this estate sale. Love the marriage record and the frame is exquisite. Glad you found some treasures for your collection. Maybe you can get the little sampler conserved or at least re-framed and off the board when you have time. Love your rug you started last summer. Enjoy your weekend - they are fleeting and fast - Mel

  8. How lovely and have a wonderful Friday. Yes, once you get on pinterest the whole day is gone.
    I try to stay away.
    Have a lovely day.

  9. I'm glad you are going to finish your rug...I love that rug! You always find the best treasures when you to antique shopping! I jealous ;0)

    Hugs, Linda

  10. Loving your Estate finds. I always love a good hunt and getting lost in lots of "old stuff".
    Your rug is lovely !

  11. Your rug is fantastic! What a great estate sale...the sampler has wonderful colors. Our formal living room was all Victorian right down to Gone With The Wind lamps that had been electrified and marble topped tables. I am not a fan of that style!
    Have a great Sunday!

  12. Not my living room! My parents house that I grew up in.


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