Wednesday, May 28, 2014

A Visit to Merry Wind Farm ~

Last Friday I took a vacation day to have an extra long weekend.  I wanted to head south and visit with Melinda of Merry Wind Farm.   The reason for my visit was Oliver.

You see, Oliver is one of Melinda's furbabies.  Last fall when I posted that I had purchased this picture, Melinda commented that it looked just like her Oliver, so how could the picture not go to her?  There is an uncanny resemblance :)

That was a great excuse for a visit.  It is a delight to spend time with her and to drool over her house and gardens.  She lives in a 200+ year old home filled with antiques and her handwork.  She is an excellent quilter, rug hooker and sampler maker.  She has dozens (and dozens and dozens) of HUGE reproduction samplers she has stitched over the years.  She puts me to shame :)  The rugs she hooks are big, too.  Isn't this one wonderful???  Here she is with Oliver and little Bella.

We did a little antiquing but of course ran out of time before we ran out of shops to visit :( Anything I really wanted to bring home was more than I was willing to pay, so I didn't buy much of anything.

But look what I came home with.  A reproduction Quaker sampler she stitched.  What a kind, generous soul.  How lucky I am to call her friend.

She also gave me this little stack of pillows made from old quilt squares.  Look in the bottom right corner of the middle one and see how the maker pieced that block to not waste any fabric.  Waste not ~ want not.

We have been having delightful weather here on Ohio's north coast.  I've been busy in the yard and hopefully will have some pictures to share soon.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. You lucky ladies!!! What fun!

  2. It sounds like fun! and what nice parting gifts. We have not had nice weather we are going into the 30's tonight and rain rain and more rain. I am hoping we get a couple of days of good weather for this up coming weekend.

  3. That is wonderful that you could get together and enjoy spending time together. What beautiful gifts.


  4. How wonderful that you were able to spend time together! Such awesome gifts.Hugs,Jen

  5. Oh how fun, Lauren!! I love that hooked rug above her couch!! Beautiful design...and the Quaker Sampler she gave to you is just gorgeous!! I love the picture..So glad you had a nice deserve it!!

  6. What fun! How generous you both are...and what special gifts!

  7. What a fabulous picture and sampler in return! I've marveled at those massive samplers on her walls when we get a peek in her posts.

  8. How lucky are you to recieve such beautiful gifts.
    Sounds like you both had a lot of fun !

  9. Morning, oh it does look like Oliver, sweet. Great gifts, lucky you, so great to get together, Blessings Francine.

  10. The exchange of precious art, the friendship between two women, a day spent doing what you love...nothing better than that!

  11. Oliver is just so cute.... love those long wavy ears.

    I'm glad that you got to spend some time with your friend and lucky you to get some of her handy work as gifts. I love the sampler.


  12. Lauren how wonderful to spend time with Melinda and her cute fur babies! That picture had to have a home with her for sure! Love that sampler and the gifts... a very special and generous friend indeed!
    Gorgeous weather here too now after a day of solid rain. The weeds are growing like crazy!
    Hugs and Blessings!
    Cathy G

  13. How lovely and what a nice trip. I am so glad you are having nice weather.

  14. How sweet you both are to each other!

  15. Sounds like you had a very nice visit!

  16. She's such a sweet generous soul so no wonder you two hit it off at the first meeting a couple years ago. Glad you had fun even if you didn't buy any expensive antiques.


  17. I love little peeks into her home. How lucky are you to get to tour all the nooks a Lovely gifts from both sides but you're right that painting fits her home perfect. Warm Blessings! Amy

  18. Super fun.
    Oliver is soo cute.
    Friends are such a blessing.
    Woolie HUGS

  19. Sounds like a wonderful weekend for you and for Melinda, Lauren. The painting is wonderful and LOVE the sampler. Melinda's primitive rug looks perfect in her home...beautiful! Thanks for sharing your trip.

    Hugs, Linda

  20. How wonderful you got to visit Melinda in person and see all her awesome treasures and WHOOHOOO - coming home with Elizabeth Shepherd - Unbelievable - that is a beautiful sampler - A Scarlet Letter I believe. You are a kind soul to share that painting with her, so nice when we can all share our passions and make our friends so happy. Enjoy the weekend - Mel


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