Sunday, February 16, 2014

In Record Time ~

I've finished my heart rug (pattern gifted to me by Saundra).  I started it on February 7 and pulled my last loop today.  The finished size is about 20 1/2" x 21".  I hooked it with mostly with a 9.5 and some 8.5, so it went quickly, but I do believe this is the fastest I've ever hooked a rug. The picture was taken without a flash.  The colors are more accurate than a picture taken with a flash but of course it's not a crisp.

Yesterday I headed to the Ault's rug hooking store to meet up with friend Sheila and spend a few hours hooking.  She was making great progress on a hit 'n miss she just started. 

A wonderful poinsettia rug Sheila is working on. She had trouble deciding on the background and did a lot of reverse hooking, but I absolutely love the background she finally chose.  It is many different black wools.  I believe it is a pattern by Joanne Gerwig.

Julie, smiling as always, is working on an amazing rug.  She hooks HUGE rugs and this one must have weighed ten pounds.

I think it's call Tulip Cross.  The sun streaming in the window really washed out the colors.

When Julie told Sheila and me there was a basket of wool that was $5 to fill a bag, we quickly filled our bags.  Can you believe all this was in my bag?  There's at least several yards.  I think it was the wool buy of the century.

My DSO and I have been "dating" for 18+ years. He always puts much thought in to the cards he gives me.  They are usually romantic bordering on mushy.  This is the card I got this year.  I love that man's sense of humor :)

We got a few more inches of snow this morning . . . sigh.  
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Haha that card is awesome!! A bag of wool for $5?? Nice score. Lovely rugs. Of course you hooked it fast with a 9.5. I still have to break in my 8.5

  2. I love your rug and that rug is not much smaller than the one I just finished. I hooked the tulip cross rug it is under my feet as I type this. I think you are right you got the deal of the century.
    Such a cute card love it.

  3. All your projects looks great. Good work!!

  4. Your heart rug is beautiful !
    Wow, looks like you had a great time with other ladies, hooking away ;)
    More snow ?? I am not even saying the "S" word here at my house. Enough ! ;)

  5. Love your heart rug ~ it's in my stash ~ I say that a lot!! Looks like a fun day! And I love thag card !

  6. Lauren, The Valentine's day card cracks me up!! Been married for 18 years and that pretty much sums it funny! Love how your rug turned out...pretty colors. REally love the pic of the Julie sitting with her Tulip Cross rug with the sun streaming in the window....that pretty much sums up rug hooking....happy and content! As for the wool buy....that WAS the buy of the you were doing the happy dance!

  7. Wow that was fast! Giggles at your very romantic

  8. Isn't he sweet! Awesome wool score. Congrats on your speedy finish. Everyone's work is lovely; I enjoy seeing the works of others.

  9. Your heart rug finished up beautifully! And, just in time for Valentine's Day too! ;-) The pointsettia rug is so pretty.... I'd love to hook one of those one day. Great card from the DSO! lol!

  10. That is such a cute heart rug. And done so quickly!
    Love the V-day card! More fun than mushy.

  11. A great Valentine card in this flu season, hahaha.
    Yea for finishing your heart rug.It looks great. I've noticed that the more snow you get the faster you hook. It must be all those annoying phone calls that gives you the hooking energy. lol.
    $5. for all that hooker's crack. What a lovely gift...

    Enjoy your day.

  12. Morning, love the rug, you are so talented at hooking, wish I was half of that.....Beautiful works in progress, Blessings Francine.

  13. I sure envy all you rug hookers! Wow, that's a lot of wool for 5 dollars, great deal! lol, love the card!

  14. Hi Lauren,
    You are faster at hooking than you think! I love the pattern you chose too.
    I've seen a few gals up north at the shop I go to who work on those large rugs, I don't know how they do it - but they are beautiful and I have seen the one Julie is working on all finished and it's just so pretty.

  15. Wow! That is breathtakingly beautiful!!

  16. Your hooking is wonderful and bet you don't even have to steam your pieces since they look perfectly hooked, just the right height, the perfect distance away from each row. Awesome and I'm envious.

    Good grief but that Tulip Cross is huge and I'd never hook anything that big. All the rugs were beautiful and thanks for sharing.

    That was a cute card and he's apparently a keeper.


  17. Wow what a bargain....Your finished piece is beautiful...all of the pieces shown were GREAT...glad to see Julie's smiling face...stay warm more snow coming tonight hugs lil raggedy Angie

  18. Your rug is awesome, Lauren! WHAT A WOOL DEAL! I'm confessing that I'm jealous and filled with envy of your wool purchase...sigh. LOVE that tulip rug, too!

    Lol, the card is cute!
    Hugs, Linda

  19. Wow, it's looks great and you sure did hook it up in no time!
    Love the Pug picture in your previous post!!

  20. for fun hooking with friends! and yes you got the wool buy of all buys!! whoo hoo! love your finished rug and the card your man got ya is a hoot!

  21. Oh Lauren, your blog is so much fun to read! It was so good to see you again. Your rug turned out fantastic! Sheila, you finally nailed that background! Thank you everyone for the nice comments. A sunny day in February with nothing better to do than to hook with friends. How could I not be smiling! Only thing better would be to finish Tulip Cross, 56x56! One more border to go.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)