Saturday, January 4, 2014

Dreaded Day ~

. . . the day the Christmas decorations start coming down.  Thankfully they come down much more quickly than they go up.  It will still take me a few days, and then the house will look so naked until everything is back in place and I'm once again "used" to it :)  

I so admired friend Sheila's collection of salt glazed Santas (read about them here).  When son Bill asked what I wanted for Christmas, I had the perfect answer.  The tall guy in the middle was my gift from him and girlfriend Melisa.  Lucky me.

I know I don't have much time to hook or stitch the month of December, but I had no idea it would take me over a month to hook this little snowman rug (Star Rug Company pattern).   Of course in person the red is not so RED and the green is not so GREEN.

The hooking is finally done . . . so in to the finishing pile it goes.  I don't have another rug ready for the frame :(  I need to plan a little better . . . not that I don't have enough patterns to choose from. 

Tonight I think I will work on the Country Rustic Primitives Christmas cross stitch sampler started over a month ago.

As with many of you, we are expecting more snow and heading in to a deep freeze.  Have I ever mentioned that I HATE winter?  Well, maybe once or twice :)

Thanks so much for stopping by.  Please stay safe and warm.
Hugs :)


  1. I always love how the house looks and feels like with the decorations, still need to take mine down. What a wonderful and thoughtful gift.


  2. Hello Lauren, love that snowman rug, so sweet....Took all my Christmas down, looks kinda bare, ok though......Keep Warm, Francine.

  3. Oh this weather is perfect for snuggling in your house with a nice sampler to stitch, hot chocolate to sip, and a good movie to watch.....a perfect evening! I love it...but you know I'm crazy anyway!! I love your rug and your salt glaze santa cute! We just went to the grocery store and you would have thought that it was the Armageddon! I just had to have that toilet paper and Tums! See you in a few weeks!!!

  4. What a lovely gift and what a sweet collection of salt glazed santas...Fun hooked snowmen too...I too am in the process of taking down the Christmas tree, it always seem to come down faster than going up...Hope you are staying warm...Hugs

  5. I love your snowman. Matter of fact I purchased one from Maria also (after getting jealous of yours) and was about ready to pull it out and start hooking it along with my Santa. BUT, since it is small and only the snowman and tree would be fun I'd be left with background again.

    SO, tomorrow I might play around with making a pillow.


  6. love the snowman! it's a little on the nippy side in florida,too.

  7. I have a love/hate relationship with Christmas decor. I love it while it's up, but can't take it anymore after awhile and want a clean look again. Mine came down a few days ago(and I did it fairly quickly this year) and the outside stuff came down today(except for the lights that are frozen and covered in snow on the bushes, those will have to wait for Spring).
    Love love love the snowman rug, he came our great.
    I would love to gift you with a surprise for the new year, and I'm pretty sure you will love it. Email me with your address...


  8. Love your snowman ! You will probably be working overtime tomorrow based on our forecast here in Ohio.

    Stay as dry,safe and warm as possible.

  9. Cute snowman. I love that little pattern. I will join you in the "I hate winter" club. We can be co-chairs

  10. I love your blue Santas. They are wonderful. So glad you got your rug finished. I am trying to get back in the groove of things. Yes, it is amazing how fast things come down.
    I hope it doesn't get way down in in the minus numbers.
    Have a lovely Sunday.

  11. I love the salt glazed santas !
    Funny, when I don't have a project to jump to when I complete one...I get grumpy ! Almost like I don't know what to do with myself !
    9 degrees in Pennsylvania this morning. brrr ;)

  12. GREAT salt-glazed Santa grouping... and the gift from your son and his gf is just perfect! Love the snowman always do such nice work. Christmas is just about completely down here... there are a few garlands yet to be removed and put away.
    Super cold here in NY, too, but I don't mind it too much. These days the hot, humid summers bother me more than the frigid temps!! Have a wonderful Sunday,

  13. Lauren, your snow guy came out so cute. I am thinking of starting the latest pattern I bought from Cathy...Merry Christmas. A head start for next year. Still cross stitching too, I'm glad I got back to it.
    I bought a little salt glazed snowman this year....a new collection maybe?
    Stay warm!

  14. Love your saltglaze santa's Lauren!! And your rug looks great!

  15. Happy New Year to you Lauren - I do so feel for my friends in the path of more severe winter weather. Even way down in the deep south it is going to be 18 on Tues morning . WOW - now you know why I am always knitting with wool ! On the rare occasion we need it - I am covered. Have fun with your sampler stitching and the little snowman mat is sooooo adorable. Cheers Mel

  16. Yes, everything always looks so bare when Christmas comes down. I just think that snowman is the cutest! Try and stay warm, don't like the freezing COLD!

  17. What a wonderful snow fella.
    Love his red mitts and scarf.
    Stay warm woolie and cozy :)


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