Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Disaster ~

Last evening the only things left to come down were the outside swags and the big tree.  I was in the basement when I heard a crash.  This is what I found.  Haven't a clue why/how, but it somehow twisted in the base is the best way I can describe it.  One has to wonder why after if had stood for several weeks.  No kids in the house, no cat and Ellie was upstairs.  I just don't get it. 

This is what's left of my one true antique Santa ornament, and of the six pysanky eggs my niece brought me from the Czech Republic 15 years ago, only two survived.  

I think this is the one that hurts the most ~ the angel from my grandma's nativity set. Thankfully she will be glued back together.

A snowman ornament from my friend Judy (Ellie's mom).  It, too, can be glued back together but he will forever be without his nose :(

Tiny Tim survived the crash, but got broken in the clean-up process. 

As I'm boxing the ornaments, I am finding lots of small breaks and chips.  To say I am devastated is an understatement, but I am trying to put it in perspective.  I'm not doing a very good job but I am trying.  I only lost some ornaments.  How does one cope when there is a catastrophic event in their lives, be it a fire, hurricane, etc?

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Oh Lauren, I'm so very sorry. I know there is nothing comforting I can say but I'm thinking of you. Big hugs, Lori

  2. Oh Lauren, I'm so sorry that this has happened to your cherished ornaments. It would be difficult to replace those sentimental treasures. I hope that you can repair the eggs and some other ornaments.

    I remember my mom always tied the real Christmas tree in the corner with two nails and a wire just so it wouldn't fall.

    I'm sending you big HUGS from my heart.

  3. Lauren,
    Oh how heartbreaking! It looks like you are salvaging what you can esp. the very sentimental ones. Keep the pieces and display them in a unique way. Sending hugs and warm thoughts for you Lauren!!
    Cathy G

  4. So sorry, Lauren ~ I get it ~ and feel your pain. But what I have learned as I get older is that I handle that kind of thing better than when I was younger. It's a learned thing ~ you can agonize over it or just decide to accept it. I've had to just 'let go' ~ it's hard.

  5. Oh I'm so sorry! Bummer!
    I've been through it too, antique ornaments lost. Mine was cat induced. The little darlings!

  6. That is why I haven't put out my breakables, between my husband and the cats, most of my things are glued together, lol. It is a shame to drop something we cherish.


  7. That is awful!!! I have broken some that I love. So I wire my tree every year so it doesn't fall over. Peace of mind.

  8. How heartbreaking. And you're right about other disasters. People lose every heirloom, family photos, and all their lifelong mementos. But that doesn't diminish your loss at all. Did a bolt get loose on the base?

  9. Oh I am sorry. I broke two of my mothers antique ornaments and I felt so bad. Just had to move on past it and keep the memories.

  10. Aww Lauren, I'm so sorry. There's something about Christmas ornaments, they hold so many memories. Repair what you can and the glue and cracks will just add more memories

  11. Good grief but that is really strange. I'm sorry for the damage to your favorite decorations and family heirlooms. But thankfully some can be glued to see another year or few.


  12. I was sorry to read this post. Some things just can't be explained.

  13. These items provide reminders of precious memories; it does hurt. So sorry for this unfortunate mishap. :(

  14. Oh Lauren, I'm so sorry this horrible! I'm glad Ellie was upstairs or she would have gotten the blame. It's dreadful that so many special ornaments were broken, but I'm happy many can be repaired. I really don't know what to say. I only put hand made cloth ornaments on this year because I knew they would be broken by the kittens. But you didn't have any reason to expect this! So sorry..
    Hugs (lots of hugs)

  15. I'm so sorry. I have lost a few cherished ornaments over the years too, mostly too my own hands dropping them and a few to the kids. I know it's hard.


  16. Oh Lauren so sorry to see your great pieces broken. I'd be upset too. They are treasured friends from long ago. Thankfully you can glue them together. Still upsetting, I understand.


  17. sorry to hear of your bad day! Must have been the evening for disasters!! We had one of our own. Take care...get the glue ready!

  18. I am sure you are wondering how it even happened !!
    Treasured ornaments hold so many memories. This will be one more memory they will add. Sorry to hear about this.

  19. Oh no!!!! hate when that happens, makes me sad to see the broken memories from dear friends. So sorry Lauren, Hugs Francine.

  20. Lauren, that is so sad!
    I think Cathy from Orange Sink has the right idea. Salvage the pieces of the ones that mean the most to you and display them in some creative way so you can still have them to remember.
    I know you take a lot of pictures. If you have pictures, you could put your favorites in a special scrapbook.

  21. Oh Lauren...I'm so sorry this happened! Why not keep all the pieces in a large jar and make a label that says..."Pieces of Christmas Past...or something like that. Most of our memories are made of small pieces and bits that stick in our minds, keep the pieces of your ornaments like you keep your memories.
    Take care and stay warm,

  22. Sorry Lauren but I agree with keep the pieces and figure out a new way to display them. I had a salvage piece fall off the wall (after hanging there for years) and it took out all my santas on the mantle one year. Really scary part was hubby and I slept thru it!

  23. Oh I am so sorry, I do hope you can save more. You have such treasures on that tree. I wonder how in the world that happened.
    I have wondered that same thing, how do people go on. I know you are just sick.
    I wish I could help you fix them.

  24. Lauren,

    I am sick for you... heartbroken tooo... sigh... Yes Keep the piece...through out this year.. look for the perfect bowl or glass container to display them in... Maybe even all year... hugs!

  25. Oh Lauren, I know first hand what you are feeling...This happened to me a few years ago, It felt like a death had occurred...those fragile ornaments which we cherish year in and year out, keeping them safe is not always an easy job...I now tie my tree to the wall with a wire...Have a good day...

  26. Oh NO! That really stinks!! :o( I guess, tho, we're twins in more ways than one. The same exact thing happened to me several years ago....Kitties were both in the bathroom with me and I heard the most horrendous sound of glass breaking.... I had the tree decorated in all glass ornaments....most of which I had collected from different places.... I was devastated...and it traumatized me so much that I have never again used my glass ornaments....they're tucked away in a trunk downstairs.... That may have been the true turning point into my "real" prim style.... And, yes, you are right about others suffering greater losses....but that doesn't make you feel much better right now... I know. If you're like me, you'll cringe each time you see a crack or repair.... But I do like Robyn's idea of Pieces of Christmas Past.... If it makes you feel any better, I'll pout with you.... Hugs ~ Robin....

  27. Aww, Lauren! I'm sorry this happened. I know a lot of those ornaments had some sentimental value as well as the time you took to shop and find some of them. Hugs to you! Char

  28. So very heartbreaking to loose so many special ornaments. I'm so sorry this happened :( Hugs.

  29. Thank you for not identifying me as the culprit that broke Tiny Tim while cleaning up. I'm sorry for the loss of your precious ornaments. The memories that go with them are so special. Love, S.O.

  30. Thank you for not identifying me as the culprit that broke Tiny Tim while cleaning up. I'm sorry for the loss of your precious ornaments. The memories that go with them are so special. Love, S.O.

  31. Lauren, so sorry to hear about your beautiful ornaments.
    I would try gluing them back together so you will get to enjoy them for many years to come.

  32. That just plain SUCKS Lauren. I am so sorry. Sure they're just "things" but it makes it no less heartbreaking because they meant so much to you.

  33. I am sorry that you have lost so many treasured keepsakes, Lauren. Thankfully, some may be repaired and enjoyed in coming years. What a strange thing to have happen. I know you are heartsick.

    Hugs, Linda

  34. I don't know where I heard this, but I've always remembered it....."don't cry over things that won't cry for you"'s gotten me through many a catastrophe!


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