Sunday, December 1, 2013

'Tis the Season ~

Well, here we are at December 1.  ARGH!  How did that happen?  (I know I ask that every month . . . lol.) For me, it is always the season of stress and being behind on everything.  The sad part is that it is totally self-inflicted.  You'd think I'd learn after all these years, but even though I love the idea of simplifying, I just can't seem to embrace it. When I start to haul the boxes (and boxes and more boxes) down from the attic, I just can't make myself not put the decorations out.  I planned on making a few more gifts but that may not happen . . . sigh.   Oh, and what did I do yesterday?  Since it was small business Saturday, I wanted to patronize a shop or two and came home with this tinsel tree.  I need another tree like I need another hole in my head, but isn't it great?  Here it is sitting amongst the chaos on the dining room table.

Here is the start of my decorating.  Not much of a start :)

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Lol. You are the only person I know who down sizes by buying another tree! It is lovely by the way ;)

  2. To funny, love the trees, never enough it seems, Francine.

  3. You are two decorations ahead of my Christmas decorating, Lauren. Why is simplifying so complicated? It is a simple concept, right? Less is more, and all that just doesn't seem to work for some people...I'm speaking to myself here...sigh.

    Hugs, Linda

  4. You are ahead of me! I'm doing less and less each year. Loos like you have a good start :)

  5. I wasn't going to put all of my stuff out either...or buy anything else..what a joke!
    Be blessed,

  6. You are way ahead of me !!
    Love the tinsel tree. ;)

  7. Very cute tree. I went simple this year....BUT I still had to open the same amount of tubs to pick out the stuff I wanted. Whew it was just as much work....but the halls are decked. :) happy holiday season to you and yours.

  8. Every year I have made myself do a little less. Some times "less" gets out of hand! Looking good so far...I love your shelf full of!

  9. LOVE that tinsel tree! I would not be able to resist it either! :-)

  10. Is it a feather tree? Your decorations always look so great.

  11. Oh I hear ya kiddo...I say these things every year too - but this year I'm with a bit less stress with closing down my business. Best thing I could have done for myself and homelife.
    I love you sweet new tree. I guess I can't buy anymore trees as there is one in every room - no more rooms to fill.
    Blessings this holiday season,

  12. I have those very same thoughts. All of mine is totally self inflicted too. I am thinking today is the day I drag out all of my boxes too. I will admit to having a thought of what if I didn't decorate this year. :) Just the tree.
    It would be nice but I don't think I will be there ever. I love seeing all of the wonders you pull out of your boxes though.

  13. Love your tree! Happy decorating.Christmas Blessings,Jen

  14. Slowly but surely it will all come together. And if something doesn't get done, oh well there is always next year.

  15. Love your new tree. Looking forward to catching up on all that I've missed these past months. Hugs to you~Becky

  16. That is a neat tree, I can see why you like it!

  17. What a neat new Christmas tree...I just know it was calling your name...LOL...I make a grand attempt to simplify too, like you, it's not working out...Hugs

  18. Oh, Lauren, I know what you mean about all the pressure! Even without much family anymore, there still manages to be pressure, but at least less of it. This year the decorating pressure is the worst, I can't decide how much of it to bother with since no one sees it but us. But I need to keep up traditions for Evan. Love your new tinsel tree, I didn't even manage to make it out to shop on Saturday...probably a good thing. I did get up the wreaths today, so at least I accomplished something :) I love every little peek I get of your house!

  19. Lauren, I am so stressed out too! I need to 'chill'.. why do we do this to ourselves? We know it's coming... oh wait, go open a shop too.. LOL... that really helps! LOL! I am a doffus! OLM PS...Love the tree!

  20. Great tree Lauren!!
    I'm sure you'll be happy you pulled all you decorations out once your finished and can sit back and enjoy.
    But I have to say this year for me less is best!!


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