Friday, December 20, 2013

An Early Christmas Present ~

One of the best presents I've ever received.  On the market for 1+ years, my mom's house is sold. After many headaches and extra expenses, the house transferred today.  My dear mom is rolling over in her grave over the selling price, but I am happy it has finally happened :)  

I just had to share the good news.  
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. That is an awesome Christmas present. I remember when ours sold at Christmas and it was the best present ever.
    I am so happy for you. I bet you are breathing a giant sigh of relief. Merry Christmas!

  2. I am glad you were able to sell the house and now you can relax and enjoy the holidays.


  3. Merry Christmas to you Lauren, great news, Francine.

  4. congrats on the sale!!! One less thing you need to worry about.

  5. That is good news, especially this time of year...Merry Christmas to you my friend...

  6. Congratulations Girlfriend.... Eeek....I'm so learning the wretched state of affairs that comes with trying to sell one's mother's home. Garage door had to be replaced; $1000 worth of LP needed to be filled (yes, for an empty house); then the furnace went kerplooey...and now we learned that the property line the county has of record goes down the middle of her house.... We have to spend $4000 to have it surveyed and then wage war with surrounding landowners.....Hello??? This was part of the land her great grandparents owned and has been in our family for generations....Now we only own half a house??? Wake me up soon....I'm tired of this nightmare too.... Hope you take some time to celebrate....Wishing you many joys and blessings this Christmas season.... Hugs ~ Robin

  7. Congratulations! Been there, done that...just sold mom's house the end of October..even though it was listed "as is", lots of smallish repairs and painting, outside work involved...hae not hooked, knitted or quilted in 10 has been exhausting...

  8. Congratulations! This has been a long chapter. Eat, drink and be Merry; she is happy that it is finally taken care of. :)

  9. Good News! Big relief I'm sure. Warm Blessings! Amy

  10. That is great news for you Lauren and a load off of your shoulders.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  11. Good news to hear and less stress on you Lauren.

  12. You are doing the happy dance right now for sure. Wish my brother and I would get lucky selling our mother's house. Just think, less worry and work for you plus you have a little more disposable cash now. Sorry you didn't get the full value of the property, but at least it is sold.


  13. What a great Christmas present. I bet you are doing the happy dance. I'm so happy for you. Congratulations.

    The housing market is down the toilet here too but at least you sold the house and someone is happy for having a nice home for Christmas.

    We are awaiting a freezing rain storm to arrive. Stay safe and warm.

  14. Wonderful take a little time to relax and enjoy the day!

  15. I am glad that stress is gone. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  16. Great news, hope you can relax and enjoy Christmas, Lecia

  17. Oh Lauren, what a great Christmas present! I am so glad this is off your plate! HPpy holidays. Kathy

  18. So happy that your Mom's house has finally less "thing"...

    Hope you have a wonderful Christmas, Lauren!

    Hugs, Linda

  19. So glad for you the house finally sold... The market just isn't what is was...they say it's "recovering" I don't see it... Hugs! Merry Christmas! OLM

  20. That must be an enormous lift off your shoulders. Its true, the market just isn't good, and although they say its going to recover, it hasn't in 10 years. So its either sell or not, and selling was what you needed to do. You accomplished that, yay! :)


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