Thursday, October 3, 2013

What's Wrong with this Picture?

Marie, better known as Olde Lady Morgan, recently purchased these drawers from me.  They were something I purchased many years ago and though I loved them never found a spot where they would work.  It's not too often that happens. Anywho . . . she BUYS them from me . . . and she sends ME a couple of her to-die-for-wonderful-primitive-pumpkins.  How lucky can a hooker get?

I think the orange one is just perfect sitting here on the doll that is probably not going to be the gift she was supposed to be ;0)

So sweet.

I just LOVE green pumpkins and this one is much more prim in person.  Both of them have real pumpkin stems.
Thanks so much, OLM!  You are such a sweetheart.  If you've never bought anything from her, you need to take a look at her creations.  They are just fun, especially her "dammit dolls".

The little paper mache pumpkin in the middle is the newest edition to my mache family.  It has seen better days and is missing its paper face insert, but it is such a sweet little size.  I was happy to find it for a reasonable price. 

Even though I only live two blocks from Lake Erie, I didn't make it down to the beach often this summer.  The other day on the way home from work I did take a few minutes to search for beach glass.  It was a pretty good beach glass day and I found what may be the largest piece of light green glass I have found to date.  If you look towards the top, in the middle, you will be a piece of amber glass that looks a bit different.  It is a piece that has been tumbling around for a while, but its edges, though not sharp, are not as rounded and smooth as the other pieces.  

Not much else going on.  Of course I'm most happy that tomorrow is Friday ~ and payday ~ but it's scary how fast the days, weeks, and months are flying by.
Thank you for the visit.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Another great collection Lauren. I've got to go check out those Dammit Dolls. They sound like fun :)

  2. what a great gift. and good sea glass picking.
    the days and weeks go by so fast it is hard to keep up.

  3. Those drawers are fabulous. Pun'kins are cute too.

  4. Your appetite for collecting is not showing any sign s of slowing down soon. It's always fun seeing you collections grow.
    I did check your friend's Dammit dolls and the many, many pumpkins. She must have a lot of fun coming up with such a variety. They bring a smile on my face.

    That was a good haul of beach glass. Have fun creating something nice with those.


  5. You got a lot of beach glass ~ good for you!!! The green piece is especially nice

  6. You are a lucky girl, Lauren.....OLM is such a wonderful crafter, need her goodies.....Neat glass too.....Blessings Francine.

  7. OLM is the best!! I am lucky to have several of her creations... they are wonderful!
    Lots of nice beach glass! I'm sure it is so peaceful strolling along the shore to look for it.... Happy weekend!!

  8. Hi, Lauren,
    Whats wrong with the picture is that they are not in my house!!! hahaha. You both got great stuff!

  9. Well My friend, I so appreciate all the effort to ship them to me! I love them!!! Enjoy! OLM

  10. Hi Lauren,
    I saw the set of drawers on Maries blog today - they are just beautiful. I remember them from the show.
    I had mache pumpkins when I was little - oh if only we knew what we should have saved back then.

  11. Yes, that pumpkin was made especially for you home companion to hold.


  12. You have such treasures. I love looking at them all. I really like your beach glass too.
    That black cat is a gourd right? I have a bunch of gourds I need to see if I could make something out of them. They are so wonderful.

  13. Lauren, I love all your pumpkins and wow you found a lot of see glass!

  14. I think the lil orange pumpkin is perfect sitting on the dolls lap! Love your vintage halloween! Our fall days are slipping by fast! Enjoy


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