Monday, September 23, 2013

Pug Lottery ~

Do you remember this face?  A face only a mother could love :)  My Annie was the last pug I fostered, a pug wannabee, who was with me for 16 months.  I wondered if she would ever get adopted.

If there was such a thing as a pug lottery, Annie won it and I am so happy for her.  I got an update from her furever mom Kas the other day. Let me tell you, that girl has a better social life than I do.  She goes to coffee shops and wineries, hikes and even goes on bike rides.

This girl has it made.  

Annie's chariot

Do you think she may be just a bit spoiled? 

Meet our newest work cat, HeShe.  HeShe was probably born last Thursday or Friday.  She was found alone Friday in the complex where I work, in the shop area where equipment is stored (trucks, excavators, street sweepers, etc).  She was found crying, lying in filth.  Our office seasonal worker brought her in the office, cleaned her up and went and bought kitty formula.  She spent the weekend with Nora and today joined us at the office.  Nora plans to take care of her until she is old enough to be adopted.  We know there is a chance she may not survive, but Nora is doing all she can to see that doesn't happen.  

I have been agonizing over what rug to take to work on at Katie's retreat at Lakeside this week. Of course I should be taking a rug that I will give as a Christmas gift, but just couldn't decide, so I went to my stash and pulled the wool for this pattern I purchased a couple years ago.  

I've also drawn up a little Magdalena Briner inspired rug to take with me, so I have a choice of what to work on, but first I will finish the birthday rug I am working on.  I am very close to being done.  

I snagged this off Facebook.  Isn't this the truth???  I wish I could give credit to the designer/hooker, but I have no information to pass one.  

The other night there was the most incredible sunset.  This picture was taken through my windshield.

I was down to the lakefront in about two minutes and by the time I got there, most of the really good color was gone, but I did manage to get a couple pictures with my phone.  The sky was absolutely breathtaking!

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Hey Lauren...I've been agonizing too! I have the rug that I bought at the hook in at Kingswood in June. It is a Lori Brechlin pattern. It sure is hard picking out wool to bring! The little kitten is so sweet. And that pug is hilarious!! I love her riding on the back of the bike!! She sure went to a great home!

  2. Evening Lauren, so happy she is loved in her forever home.....what a sweet kitty, glad heshe is safe.......Wonderful rug, Blessings Francine.

  3. So happy for Annie! Bless Nora and the sweet little Kitty!

  4. I won't sleep tonight worried about this kitty and the rest of the litter. I love the saying on that rug!

  5. What a sweet kitty - keep her on a heating pad - Q was on the heating pad for about a month and a blanket over him. they need warmth most of all! She looks like a sweetheart - and i know from experience - she will be the sweetest kitty ever - i think at that age they don't realize they are kittys! Q is a sweet soul. Anyway - decisions decisions decisions on the rug! I really hope to get back to hooking soon!

  6. That pup sure lives the high life, lol. And it is sweet that you guys are trying to save the kitty, it is so sad to see so many strays that are being abandoned lately.


  7. Ohhhhh, YAY for Annie Bannanie!!! What a lucky lil' wannabe she is!!! Funny how some peoples'/animals' lives just get that magically, golden, blessing.....It was meant to be.... And, awwww....about sweet little He/She (why didn't you name it She/He???) ;o) Praying she makes it through.....what a precious little ball of fur...... Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin (Have fun hooking!!! I was supposed to go to a class on braided finishes the beginning of October....but, gee....that would have meant having something to FINISH....hard to finish when ya haven't started....if ya know what I mean....)

  8. That is one happy little pug for sure it must do your heart good to see that. That poor little kitten I hope heshe makes it. good for you getting away to hook that is exactly what I need to get me started again.
    That sky is beautiful. Sunsets and moons are my favorite.

  9. Oh how wonderful.
    Annie is one lucky girl.
    I too just rescued a kitty.
    Fleas had almost eaten her alive.
    Kudos to your friend.
    Praying the dear makes it.
    Woolie Joy

  10. Sure hope sissy-put'n pulls through. She/he is such a wee thing but am sure all humans are doing what they can.

    Yes, Annie did hit the lottery for sure.


  11. That poor little kitty. I hope his/her story has a happy ending like Annie. (Yes, spoiled..but she deserves it) Have fun on your hooking retreat. Take pics

  12. Oh my goodness Annie is certainly spoiled! And well deserved too...she had a fantastic home with you too.
    The heart hurts for it - it's so small and certainly needs its mommy to cuddle it. I pray it lives - and it probably will with all the tender love it will get.

  13. What a wonderful life Annie is living!! Love a happy ending!! Hoping that precious little HeShe has the same in store for him/her! My daughter has a "found on the job site" cat, too, that she nurtured back to health... The vet thinks he was only 4-5 weeks old at the time he was found. He is now healthy and happy and oh, so loved!!
    Beautiful pics of the night sky....

  14. I loved the Annie update. Yes, she is spoiled...and isn't it wonderful! My fingers are crossed for the kitten, hoping for a happy ending.

  15. I like your rug that you chose and the saying, I think I need to get some more rugs going. The sunset is wonderful and I am so glad Annie has such a good home.
    Poor little kitty. You always have such interesting things going on. Have a nice week.

  16. Aw Lauren, I can so relate to this little abandoned kitty. They need to be fed milk formula every two hours to keep the bowels going, otherwise they get constipated and they die. You have to keep a constant schedule and keep them warm. Not an easy job when one is lacking sleep.
    I wish little HeShe a good chance at life.

    I called our orphan calf L'il Annie.
    It so nice to hear the good news about Annie living the good life.
    I love the rug pattern you chose for a Christmas gift.
    Have fun at Katie's Retreat.

  17. Annie has come into her own pot of gold.. yahoo.

    Loved the saying on the pinterest find..

  18. It's so nice to see Annie so loved and content.
    I hope this adorable little kitty grows healthy and strong.
    xo Louise

  19. Happy hookin my friend!!! AND Yes, Annie is one spoiled gal, but they all should be!! hugs! OLM

  20. Lauren, stopping in to say HI, its fun to see annie in such a great home and knowing shes happy!! i haven't seen my hooking project in so long its probley covered with dust.. soon i hope tho! have fun hooking! love the lil kitty! so small and fragile but sounds like shes getting lots of love and attention! enjoy the rest of your evening!

  21. Yay for Annie!! :). And ooohhh that sky during the sunset was magnificent!!


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