Monday, September 9, 2013

Harvest at the Mill ~

The show is over and it was great fun!  Lots of stress but in looking back, worth it.  I got to spend time with some friends and meet some wonderful bloggers I only knew through blogland.  
This is my Rogue Friday morning.  I felt like a little like Sanford and Son the way I was loaded up.  I don't know how I had my camera set that all my pictures came out so blue.

These are the only pictures I took.  Every time I was going to get the camera I got distracted, so this is it :(  For some great pictures visit Earlene, Lori and Karen.

I was told by several people who do shows that you never know what will sell.  I was sure Melinda's sewing pockets (see previous post) would fly out of the booth and that Sherry's hooked pieces (also in the previous post) would, too.  I was convinced my Betsy style pumpkins and my little mats would not come home with me.  WRONG!!!  Only two of those pockets sold. NOTHING hooked sold.  I mean not even one hooked item between the three of us.   Thankfully I sold more spoon jewelry than I expected.  Know what else sold well?  Dried gourds and dried walnut bowl fillers!  Other than that just a few odds and ends.  

In the booth next to me was Ann of 1803 Ohio Farm Baskets.  We've met before and we shared a room Friday night.  What a sweet lady.  Bobbie, the Evening Stitcher was across the lot from me. She's a good hooker friend :)  I also got to meet Lori and Earlene in person and spend a little time chatting with Karen (see links above).  There were other bloggers I met but my mind is still in a fog and I don't want to forget anyone.  Holly Hills Dawn did a wonderful job organizing this show.  It was the first one and there is not one thing I would suggest she do differently (other than sell her soul to the devil so it doesn't rain next time . . . lol).

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Absolutely! What you think will sell, sometimes doesn't and vice versa. Looks like it was a very nice show. Glad you sold more than you expected of the spooners.

  2. Lauren,

    you were there too!!?!?!? Man I need to go next year. I was invited to do the show... but our vacation was planned for then... Love the pumpkin mats... how much are they? and the stack of drawers, did you sell it? again, if not, how much? Love them! OLM

  3. Evening Lauren...I thought for sure you would sell all the hooked items too. Maybe next year.
    It was so much fun on Saturday...and dinner was a blast.

  4. Sorry about no hooked items sold but it's like you said. You never know from one year to the next what will sell.

    I'm glad that you sold lots of your spoon jewellery and that you had a blast with your friends. You display was beautiful.

  5. It's so hard to know what will sell. Good news that the spoons sold well, but they are so dang cute.

  6. I guess you never know what will sell. I have a trash can full of dried gourds. Maybe I need to see if I can sell them, :) I am so glad you sold your lovely jewelery.

  7. Hi Lauren.
    So nice to meet you at Harvest at the Mill last Saturday. It was so much fun!

  8. Looks like a great time! It's so fun to meet fellow bloggers. Your booth looks wonderful!

  9. I am so surprised that none of your hooked items sold.... they are wonderful! I, too, would be interested in one of your hooked pumpkin mats if you want to sell one through your blog!!
    Glad your spoon jewelry was a big seller.... They are so cute! I see a lot of other things I would have come home with from your booth as well.... It looked great!! Glad you had fun and met up with fellow bloggers.

  10. Looks like fun! I think I would have come home with a bunch of things...looks great!

  11. True, you never know what will sell. Many a time I stayed up late working on a doll that I was sure would sell at the show only to bring that home but then something I'd carried around 2 years before ended up being bought because someone saw it's head sticking out of a container.

    Glad you sold the jewelry and great you met up with some blogger friends.


  12. Your booth looked great ! Everyone is right about never knowing what will favorite things usually don't sell, & when you get so tired of carrying around an item , no one looks at, that piece turns out to be the most popular ! People ask for it.... Hope you do more shows, they are fun & so nice to meet other talented people.

  13. It was great to meet you at the show Lauren, wish I could have stayed for the blogger gathering. Had a wonderul time even with the rain. Dawn did a fabulous job organizing and hosting the show. Can't wait until next year. I'll be posting my pictures from the show this evening.

  14. Hi Lauren, looked like such a great booth up had, so many goodies.....Would have loved to go, Francine.

  15. SOOOO glad you came and I got to meet you. The only thing (besides the rain) that I was disappointed in, was that I didn't have time to really visit with anyone! Mark your calendar for September 6, 2014!!!

  16. Hi Lauren, it's really iffy what will sell at shows...there's just no telling is there.
    I'm anxious to start the pumpkin hooked piece I bought from you - I bought an orange checky-plaid that will work perfectly for it.
    I'm going to send you a couple pictures!

  17. I didn't realize how much work this was for you! Your booth looks wonderful. What is that little wooden thing with a drawer and a round role in the back? Did you sell that? If not, I want to buy it! Thanks for giving my pockets another plug :)

  18. I have learned that you can never predict what will sell.
    There are so many people hooking now that maybe that effected the sell of hooked things? Everything looked great and sorry you didn't sell the hooking but great news on the spoons.
    I really wished I lived close enough to attend the show but sadly - too far away.

  19. Your booth looked great, Lauren!! I know, too, that you can never guess what will sell well. I have done home shows and had a booth in an antique shop in the past, and it is nearly impossible to know what will be "hot."

    Your items were wonderful, and I wish I could have come to the show.

    Hugs, Linda

  20. I am glad you had a good time even if sales weren't there for you ladies. Hopefully next time.


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