Sunday, June 9, 2013

Rug Envy ~

I have a serious case of RUG ENVY.  Yesterday, I took a road trip to Bucyrus, Ohio, about 1.5 hours from home to visit hooker friend Sheila.  We've been to hook-ins together and met at craft shows, but I'd never been to her house.  What a treat it was.  Her rugs are the rugs I want to hook and she picks the perfect colors ~ dark and dirty :)  The colors I want to choose but always miss.    Can you believe this was her very first rug???  I'm guessing it was 2'x3'.  Of course, my photos do not do the rugs justice and this pic is exceptionally bad.

Granny Donaldson, a pattern by the Woolley Fox, is a whopping 34"x 57".

One of my favorites.

 And another favorite :)

That was only a very small sampling of her rugs.  I wish I had taken more pictures. 

I also had Santa envy.  She has the most wonderful collection of salt glazed pottery Santas.

This wonderful guy was a gift from her mom.

Now isn't this fun?  An old masher and square nails.  I have the masher so now I'm on the hunt for some old, long square nails.

An old card of buttons Sheila had framed.  She said when she took it to the framer, the framer wanted to trim the paper it was on so it wasn't so ragged.  

Beautifully made pinkeep . . .

. . . and an antique pin cushion/thread holder.

Before she started hooking, Sheila was a quilter. She showed me a few of her quilts - appliqued, not pieced - and they were simply amazing.  Too bad I failed to get pictures of them :(  Many thanks to Sheila for allowing me to share her treasures with you.

Here's Ellie taking a roll in the grass while we were out doing yard work today.  She does enjoy being outside.  Progress has been made with the yard work but there is so much more to do.  DSO got my little pond fountain hooked up today.  I haven't had  any goldfish in a few years so maybe when I have Jake tomorrow we'll go buy a few.  

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Thanks for sharing Sheila's rugs ~ I bet there are many more!! Love those framed buttons and all the Santas ~ she's quite a collector!

  2. Oh Lauren I can see why you'd have envy.More a appreciation of the kindred spirit of collecting and things dear to your heart.Thanks for sharing had a few pitter pat moments

  3. Lots of lovely things and her rugs are wonderful. So glad you enjoyed your visit

  4. Her rugs are lovely, but so are yours. Are the goldfish going to be backyard playmates for Ellie?

  5. Thanks for sharing Sheila's beautiful rugs and some of her other collections. She is a natural with a good eye for color.
    Ellie sure was enjoying her time out in the yard.
    Have a great day!

  6. What beautiful rugs ,great colors ! Love her masher idea ! Looks like you had the Best Day !!!

  7. Sounds like you had a wonderful visit with your friend. And don't you love seeing how others decorate, collect, display their treasures.

  8. Morning Lauren, oh I can see why the rug envy, so so beautiful, such talent.....I love that masher with the nails, me want one too, :)....Sweet Ellie enjoying a roll, Blessings Francine.

  9. LOVE, LOVE Sheila's rugs...colors are perfect and very prim...thanks for sharing your visit, Lauren!


  10. Thanks so much for sharing Shelia's beautiful rugs and Santas! I have that same envy when I see your rugs.LOL! Hugs,Jen

  11. Such wonderful treasures. I would have rug envy too. They are fantastic!!!

  12. Beautiful rugs Sheila!! That is so great you went to see Sheila!! Hope to see you both at Kingwood!

  13. It sounds like you had quite a lovely time being around all those niceprim rugs. Now you know what yo have to do. ger some more wool and patterns and get to your hooking again.
    The blue salt glaze santas str pretty special.


  14. What a treat for us to see Sheila's home through your photos - love all her projects and decorating ideas. Does she have a blog too? Would love to see more of her stuff!

  15. How the heck did I miss this post? I have rug envy now too. Thanks for sharing all those wonderful pictures; we got a grand tour.


  16. Thanks everyone for your very kind words. Lauren has such sweet blogging friends. No I do not have a blog Gayle but there are a few more of my rugs I think on my facebook page. If not I can try and add some . If you are on FB friend me Sheila Kennedy, Bucyrus , OH. Lauren and I decided we are Kindred Spirits and we could get into a lot of trouble together we have such fun. Julie, Alice & Lauren hope to see you all at Kingwood.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)