Saturday, April 6, 2013

Gifted ~ ~ ~

I have some of the most amazing friends!  I was gifted this beautiful quilt by dear friend Dolly who adopted my Eema.  It is in beautiful shape and is hand quilted.  I absolutely love it.

Sweet Ann from 1803 Ohio Farm Baskets sent me this little basket to hold my scissors, rug hook, etc.  I had asked her to send me some business cards because where ever I take my wool tote basket, people want to know where I got it.  I never expected to get this wonderful basket.  Lucky me!

Joanne sent me this fun pug to sew in to a pillow.  Joanne,  I promise I will do better with this than I have done with the feather tree kit you sent me (hanging my head in shame!).

For my birthday, hooker friend Melissa gave me this book (perfect) . . .

. . . and this Edyth O'Neill candle mat complete with wool.  This will be a fun, quick hook!  

In addition a couple of people very dear to me were extremely generous cash-wise to help defray the cost of my car repairs and new tires.  PLUS . . . I was gifted Ellie's mom's almost new iPad.  I am truly blessed by the friendship and generosity of so many people.  

Jake and I had a good day at the indoor amusement park.  He thought the mirrors were great fun.  Tomorrow we are off to see the Croods :)  

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. What a blessing to have such wonderful friends. Very nice gifts.

  2. what wonderful gifts and friends!! a big be-lated HAPPY BIRTHDAY! to you lauren! sounds like you have had some fun plans with that grandson of yours too! do you have annies large tote with the straps? its been on my wish list! she does a really nice job! enjoy the rest of your weekend Lauren!

  3. what wonderful gifts!! love the little basket. glad you had fun with Jake.Happy Birthday!!! denise

  4. Hi Lauren, I have been lax in my blogging, a belated Happy Birthday to you. What wonderful gifts you have received, a testament to true friendship. Jake is getting tall, glad you two had a fun day together, with more to come. Sending greetings from Maine, Julie.

  5. What wonderful gifts and fun things to make.


  6. Great gifts Lauren. Funny photo of Jake.

  7. What a wonderful birthday week, Lauren! I love all those gifts!! The quilt is absolutely gorgeous!!

  8. What a great birthday11 The gifts are all wonderful, especially the quilt! Thanks for sharing it all with us!

  9. You're such a great woman and deserve all those wonderful gifts. Happy birthday.


  10. Morning Lauren, I so love the quilt, my fav, red and white, beautiful.......So nice you received such thoughtful gifts......Blessings Francine.

  11. Friends are the BEST! And, you have some of the bestest! :-)

  12. Happy Birthday! You received some delightful and thoughtful gifts.

  13. Happy Birthday!! You certainly have some wonderful friends. Everything you got is amazing, but that quilt - oh be still my heart!!

  14. Kindness begets kindness!! You're very deserving!!

  15. Wonderful blessings! I always say what you put into the world is what eventually comes back.You are a generous giving person

  16. You are so blessed, what kind and amazing friends you have. Just lovely gifts for a lovely gal.

  17. You truly are blessed with thoughtful and loving friends and that's because you are such a generous person yourself. Great gifts. I hope that you had a great birthday. How could you not have had a great birthday with all this love pouring in.

    James love playing with those mirrors too at the museum of Science in Ottawa.

    Happy Birthday.


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