Monday, April 1, 2013

Bound and Determined ~

My March goal was to catch up on my rug binding.  I finally put the hook down last week and did some serious binding.  As of today, I only have one rug left.  Even though I fell short of my goal, I am absolutely thrilled at what I accomplished.  I know most hookers don't like the binding process, but I rank up there with the worst of the lot :)

I finished hooking & binding my Lamb & Chicks, a Star Rug Company pattern.

In March, I hooked this for a friend ~ bound, labeled AND delivered.

Tin Rooster (Star Rug Company), 1812 Tulip (Red Saltbox), and Dog and Cat (antique adaptation).  I finished the hooking on 1812 Tulip last March and the antique adaptation last May!

The rugs still need a final steaming ~ and labels ~ but hopefully that will be done soon.

Thank you so much for stopping by!
Pug hugs :)


  1. Oh those are marvelous, makes me want to try hooking. Um wait I should clarify that huh ... makes me want to try " rug hooking" ! Love to the Pugs.

  2. NICE! Good for you for getting them bound. I think this year at SV I will be purchasing the 1812 Tulip pattern - love it. ~Ann

  3. Wow !!! Your so talented my Jody, love all your rugs, great work, Francine.

  4. Hooray for you! I'm right there with you on the binding process. Love to hook em' and binding well they pile up and then it's time to get them done! You have some really great rugs congrats on getting them bound!!!

  5. Wow! You have gotten a lot done.Love all of your rugs.Hugs,Jen

  6. Great rugs...your sure did get a lot accomplished!
    Have a good week,

  7. All those rugs are beautiful, Lauren! Good for you that you are binding them. I have about five to do. I swear I'm going to finish them before I even start thinking of hooking another rug! Can't wait for Ann will be here before you know it!

  8. Your rugs are just stunning and I really need to start hooking.

  9. That has got to feel good to have them done. Always fun to have a PILE of finished work. :-) beautiful work.

  10. wow you have been productive! I love to see all your work together it is so pretty.

  11. I agree with Cathy that it is FUN to see all your rugs gathered together. Except I didn't see Henny Penny again but can go look for her. Since I know what I'm hooking in May at Barbs and September, think Henny Penny might be my rug to hook next November when I go to the camp in Ocean City, MD.


  12. Wonderful rugs! Its a good feeling to see our finished work.

  13. Nice little pile you've got going there. They look great. I know binding is a pain but doesn't it feel great when its done?

  14. Hip Hop Hooray!!! I bet you feel light as a feather to have that marked off your list as done! :-) They all look great!

  15. Marvelous work! Pat yourself on the back.

  16. THAT feels good, huh? Now you can start a new project with a clear consciou

  17. I love all your rugs and I can imagine how good it felt to get them almost all finished. I would equate binding a rug to binding a quilt - you want it finished, but it's a pain to do!!

  18. How nice and what a lot of rugs to finish. I love each design. I am pretty impressed. I think the hardest thing for me and binding is just starting. Once I finally start, it does go pretty fast.

  19. You got real serious there girl. I'm impressed by the pile of rugs. Now you must feel much better for having accomplish all that binding. You deserve a pat on the back. Unfortunately, my rug is still waiting to be hooked.

    Someone aught to invent a machine that simulate hand binding rug finish. Really, how many rugs are out there all hooked up with unfinished binding?...



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