Saturday, March 16, 2013

Midwest Living ~

Gloomy, damp, dreary, cold.  That about sums up northern Ohio today. I hope the sun is shining in your little corner of the world!

I have another cross stitch un-finish.  A little Stacy Nash design, "Malabar Farm" but I left the words off the bottom and haven't decided if I will add them or not.

I got Henny Penny, a Woolley Fox pattern finished.  The colors in the picture are quite accurate (for a change).

I could not get a good picture, but I did the crochet edge.  My tension is not too even but overall I am happy the way it came out.  I found it a bit difficult and hard on the hands.  It took me LOTS longer than I anticipated.

I am nearing completion on my Lamb and Chicks, a pattern by Star Rug Company.  Maria has some wonderful patterns.

Off and on over the years I have subscribed to Midwest Living magazine.  I recently re-subscribed and when I got my first issue they sent me a gift subscription offer I can't refuse.  If you'd like to win a year's subscription, leave a comment on this post or send me an email with give-away in the subject line.  I will pick a winner Monday evening.  (Sorry, this offer is good to U.S. residents only.)

Thanks so much for stopping by.  
Pug hugs :)


  1. I have never crochet a binding on a rug. It looks great all of your hand work looks great.
    We had about 2 inches of snow last night. But it was sunny and bright today but cold we stayed close to home took a walk and cleaned a little.
    put me in for the giveaway I am a sucker for magazines.

  2. Wonderful finishes and great for spring.


  3. Hubby will be mad if I win this one.LoL..Yes I'm a magazine nut and it drives him nuts piles everywhere.Really he's good always your work is just lovely.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  4. Enter me in the giveaway...I love the magazine and ususally spend some time looking at the new issue in the library...then a friends copy at work...

    I've got the same weather you do...that nice day a few weeks ago sent me in to a slump when the gloom returned! stitching on lighter colors has helped a bit...

  5. Beautiful work Lauren! Please enter me in the giveaway, I love magazines!

  6. love Henny Penny and the Stacy Nash design. denise

  7. I love Midwest Living and my subscription is over. Please enter me in the give away. Mary A

  8. Your finished rug looks great. You did a great job. I've never tried the crocheted edge yet.

    Happy St Patrick Day.

  9. Hi Lauren - I plan on crocheting the edge of the rug I'm working on now. I have a two yard piece of wool that I will use so I won't have to start and stop too often. I'm a magazine addict but don't think I've ever seen that one here in Utah!

  10. Hmmmm....I assume to do a crocheted edge finish one would have to know how to crochet??? Guess I won't be doing that any time soon. Love the look of it though! And I adore Malabar Farm....that's on my bucket list.... As for "Midwest Living" - well, I for one am ready to head south. Tired of the snow. We had some sun today, but it was still flipping SNOWING!! Argh. Just not right I tell ya.... Wonderful giveaway offer, but no need to enter me. I have stacks that got backlogged that will keep me busy for a good long while.... Happy Weekend ET.....Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  11. Lauren your x stitch piece is lovely.I love the pattern.I am amazed at how fast you can finish a rug.Both rugs are simply gorgeous.
    Today was a beautiful 75 here and even with the winds it was so nice.
    I would love to be entered in your giveaway,the magazine looks very interesting.Hugs,Jen

  12. Yes it was another chilly day here in Ohio along with the "wetness" that went right thru you.

    Like the crochet edge and will have to try it. Did you use wool or wool yarn?

    Thanks for a chance... and HAPPY ST PATTY'S DAY TO YOU.

  13. Love, love love all your projects !! and oooh...I would also love to win a year's subscription to this magazine...almost ordered it once, but don't even know why I didn't do it ???

  14. Morning Lauren, love all your projects, sweet chickie mat, love it......I also enjoy magazines, please enter my name, Irish Blessings Francine.

  15. Henny Penny looks divine. As much as I think I'd like to do the crochet edge not sure it will get any further than the thinking about it stage.

    I'm not joining in on the giveaway as I'll leave it to others who live in the Midwest.


  16. Hi Lauren, I may not reside in the Midwest, but I still would like to be entered in your giveaway. Thank you. You always have so many wonderful projects in the works, love them all! I like the idea of a crochet edge. Hope you are enjoying the day, greetings from Maine, Julie.

  17. Hi Lauren....horrible here too...seems it only knows how to snow.
    Your rugs are so pretty - I need some lessons I think.
    There's a retreat in WV in April and I'd love to go but don't want to drive alone.

    Can you please enter me in this contest...I used to subscribe like you off and on over the years...but how fun to maybe have it again!


  18. Your Malabar stitched up beautifully and you did a fine job of the crochet edge (and hooking) on Henny Penny. You've accomplished quite a bit! Spring is on it's way and I think we are all getting a bit more energy from it! I'll pass on the giveaway... as I'm sure there is a Midwest gal that would super appreciate a year of this magazine!


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)