Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Ellie's New Mom ~

I planned to do a witty post telling you about Ellie's new furever mom, but there is nothing witty to tell.  As most of you know, I have been "Ellie sitting" since Christmas Day.  Her mom was in a nursing home getting rehab and hoping to go home soon.  Unfortunately, she passed away unexpectedly.  It still is hard to believe.  
Judy adopted Ellie last year from a local rescue. This little thing had been found wandering the streets of Cleveland.  No one knows for how long, but it's a wonder she survived.  Oh, my how my friend LOVED this little girl.  She would just light up every time we visited.  If I hadn't become her furever mom, she would have been returned to rescue, had to adapt to another foster home and then to another forever home.  I'm sure she would have adjusted, but I just couldn't do that to her.  So this pug gal has adopted a little Jack Russell Terrier.  I will still volunteer with Ohio Pug Rescue, just not fostering.  I'll keep my blog name as Rugs and Pugs because Rugs and a Jack Russell Terrier just doesn't rhyme very well :)

Thanks so much for stopping by!
Pug (and JRT) hugs :)


  1. Oh Lauren! I am so happy that Ellie is staying with you :) I know that you have a special place in your heart for pugs and I am sure always will. But there is something so sweet and trusting in Ellie's eyes. I am sure that she will be always grateful.
    Miniature dachshund rescue hugs right back at ya ;)
    Blessings, Patti

  2. You have me all choked up what a great thing for you to do. And I am sure her mom in heaven is smiling down at you. What a blessing you are to that sweet little dog.

  3. Oh I am so glad for both of you. She is such a cute little dog. I am glad she has found her forever home. :)

  4. I just knew it!! I knew you would keep that little doggie!! You're the best, Lauren!!!

  5. I am sorry to hear about her mom but glad you are able to keep her, she is a lucky lady and will be happy with all of the love you will give her.


  6. Oh Lauren. Your friend is resting in peace and a happy soul knowing Ellie will be safe and loved. You have been a true friend.

  7. What a tear jerker!! I am so happy for Ellie, what a sweetheart.

  8. I knew it too! that sweet face of hers and the love for your friend made it a done deal...what a wonderful gift for your friend and little Ellie...

  9. Somehow, I knew the ending to this story., if you're not the evil one, does that really mean I am ??? ;o) have a heart of gold....and Ellie is blessed to have landed in your care. What a lucky lil' rascal she is. Her "other" mom is probably smirking down on you as we speak.... Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  10. she is a sweety !! look at those eyes and she looks so thankful to be loved and cared for !! It doesn't take much for those precious 4 legged babies to worm their way into our hearts , does it ? I'm happy she doesn't have to go through an ordeal again...God bless You !

  11. Oh happy day for Ellie and YOU! I hope that Ellie brings you as much joy as she did Judy. I am sure that Judy is very pleased that you are keeping her charge. Thank you for all you've done with rescue and fostering.

  12. What a good friend you are and how lucky little Ellie is to have such a wonderful home. Bless your ♥. Hugs, ~Nan

  13. Well now... your blog could be "A pug in jrt's clothing?" lol! I'm happy for you and Ellie! She appears to be a cutie pie! Hugs to you both!

  14. Lauren~ I'm sure it would have bought peace to your friend knowing her sweet furbaby was staying with you.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  15. What wonderful news! I am sure Ellie is very happy about this too! Loved your post and glad you didn't change your blog name! Lol

  16. Oh Lauren, I'm so glad that you've decided to adopt Ellie. What a noble thing to do and I can feel the love between you is growing strong. You are such a treasure. This was meant to be.

    I know that Ellie will brighten your days for a long time.
    I'm looking forward to seeing Ellie on your blog from time to time.
    Ellie's mom would be so glad for what you did.
    Hugs & Blessings,

  17. i am so glad that you adopted Ellie. denise

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Morning Lauren, bless your heart, you are a Angel.....So happy you decided to keep Ellie....She needs a loving, caring warm home and your friend knows Ellie will be safe......Easter Blessings Francine.

  20. Morning Lauren,
    I'm so awfully sorry for your friend and Ellie's to be very sad.
    Lauren...THANK YOU for keeping I SMILE.

  21. Oh, I'm thrilled! I had a feeling this might happen. Such welcome news after the sadness of the loss.

  22. What a beautiful girl :) So glad you adopted her!

  23. Hey Lauren,

    I had a feeling this is where Ellie would end up! SHE knew she was in her furever home.....she was just waiting for you to catch up! Judy is smiling down on both of you.....she knows Ellie is in good hands.


  24. Oh you are such a sweet gal and think Ellie will love you to pieces for adopting her.


  25. That post made tears of joy come to my eyes. I'm so glad you are giving little Ellie her forever home.
    Blessings to both of you!

  26. Oh, this is the outcome I had hoped for. Ellie is a lucky pooch. And you are special!

  27. Lauren,
    Congratulations on being owned by a Jack Russell Terrier. Honestly, if you coudn't have kept Ellie, I was so tempted to raise my hand and offer a home here in Florida as I loved my JRT, Molly, and hated when she went to the rainbow bridge. Ellie sounds like Molly in not being a hyper-active yapping JRT. Molly was very mellow and a snuggle-bun.
    Give Ellie a biscuit from me.

  28. Oh Lauren, What a sad post. You are such a good person and you have such a good heart.Ellie has another chance at a happy life.
    So sad about Ellie's mom.Have a Happy Easter and know you are being such a good example of kindness and Love for animals.Hugs Cheri

  29. It's not about the breed you love, it's about the love you breed. Glad she found her new home where she'll be loved and adored and offer you her love in return. Win-win.

  30. OMG!
    What a lucky ouo. Hope she will be as much joy to you as Ellie is to me. What a wonderful thing to do. Your sure your friend in Heaven is very happy. Your Easter card is still in my desk! Just not with the prlgram this year. Love you.



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