Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Rebecca from The Simple Quiet calls them un-finishes.  I like that my pieces finally have a name.  This evening I will share my hooked un-finishes with you.  When I finally finish them, I will have to go back to my old posts to find when they were completed so that I can add the date to the label.

A Wendy Miller pattern, 1822 Fraktur Tulip Chairpad, purchased at Sauder Village in 2011.  I chose not to hook it as a round chairpad.  The finished size is 15" x 16 3/4".  This was taken without a flash.  The background is several shades of dark blue.  Sorry it's a little blurry and still a little too bright.

Henny Penny, a Barbara Carroll pattern.  This is the smaller version and the finished size is 15" x 20 1/2".

Berk's County Bouquet.  Another Barbara Carroll pattern started in a class at the ATHA Biennial in October 2011.  Even taken without a flash, the background is showing up much too washed out.  It is hooked with several shades of black.  The finished size is 17" x 20".

Dog and Cat, an antique adaptation.  I started this last April at Susan Feller's Retreat in the Mountains in West Virginia.  It is 16 1/2" x 25 1/2".

Finally, here's Pup, finished just recently.  It's a Magdalena Briner adaptation.  It's a belated Christmas gift and is 12" x 20 1/2".  I really MUST get the binding done on this one.

Tin Rooster, a Star Rug Company pattern started last weekend at Sauder Village.  If all goes well, this will soon become another un-finish.  I just realized I used the same wool for the rooster that I used for the chicken in Henny Penny.

I really hope that you do a better job than I do at finishing projects.  In another post, I will show my cross stitch un-finishes.  There are MANY, some from decades ago.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
JRT hugs :)


  1. Hi there! Just found your blog through Jody's blog. Your work is beautiful, and I'm in love with the Pugs! What a great blog you have :) Total Pug lover here, I only have one, but he's my world. They are one of a kind :) So glad to have found your blog here!

  2. Beautiful rugs Lauren!! I love the Tin Rooster. Want to do that one, I think I bought that one. Ha! I have to look.

  3. Love all your rugs, Lauren! I don't know what is involved in finishing them, but if I could hook beautiful rugs like that, I would be sooooo anxious to get them done up and decorating my home! My fave is the Berks Co. Bouquet... great colors!

  4. you have most of then all hooked it is just the finish. I have only one to finish.

  5. Oh Lauren, love all your wonderful hooked pieces, The Dog and Cat rug is so sweet, Hugs Francine.

  6. LOL we hookers are an "unfinished" bunch. We all have them.

  7. I love all of your unfinishes. They are almost finished though. Lauren you do a beautiful job of hooking. I will look forward to seeing more of your unfinishes. :)

  8. Hi Lauren, maybe you can get someone to finish your rugs and that way they will all be finished. They are all lovely rugs and you did a good job. Thanks for the show,\.
    Hugs, JB

  9. Un-finishes - A newly coined term that is brilliant! You have quite a collection there and I'm afraid I'm in the same boat - not just with rugs, but with quilts and cross stitch too. SIGH!

  10. Wow, a one-man (er, woman) rug show and very well done. I also have Henny Penny and should hook mine and take it out of the stash....well, maybe after Big Dog and Mother Hen.

    I like that you didn't do the round chair pad.


  11. Gosh lauren - so many neat "finishes" I guess what constitutes a "unfinish" for some is not the same for others. Gees when that last loop is pulled or that last stitch crossed - it is FINISHED to me and the "finishing" is just icing on the already baked cake! Can't wait to see the cross stitch "finishes" Mel

  12. You do such lovely work. I remember some of their start pics so its nice to see the finish. Get binding girl!

  13. Nope, I'm just as bad, but at least you get the hooking done. Mine are all partially hooked/punched. I need to stop doing that.

  14. Lauren, you've hooked some great rugs! Love the blue background of your fraktur rug. Hugs, Lori

  15. Lauren you sure do have some pretty almost finished hooked rugs! I always like to see your work. I did bind two rugs this week in the evenings in front of the TV. Feels good to get them done.
    I am starting a new Maggie B. today....Settlers Cabin.

  16. Wonderful work! What is it about binding that makes us drag our feet? Maybe it's because it's just not as much fun as picking patterns and colors and pulling washing the dishes after a great meal...have to do it, but not as fun as the eatin"!!!
    Stay warm,


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)